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  • Example constructions for relation cc@preconj (coordinating conjunction), the words participating in this relation are marked by ***

    For detailed definition of each relation check here .

    1	Sii	son	PRON	Pron	Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    2	barget	bargat	VERB	V	Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    3	***sihke***	sihke	ADV	Adv	_	4	cc@preconj	_	_
    4	***Kárášjogas***	Kárášjohka	PROPN	N	Case=Loc|Number=Sing	2	udep	_	_
    5	ja	ja	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    6	Guovdageainnus	Guovdageaidnu	PROPN	N	Case=Loc|Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	CLB	_	0	_	_	_
    1	***Sihke***	sihke	ADV	Adv	_	2	cc@preconj	_	_
    2	***áddjá***	áddjá	NOUN	N	Case=Nom|Number=Sing	5	subj	_	_
    3	ja	ja	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    4	áhkku	áhkku	NOUN	N	Case=Nom|Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	leaba	leat	VERB	V	Mood=Ind|Number=Dual|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    6	jápmán	jápmit	VERB	V	Aspect=Perf|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	CLB	_	0	_	_	_