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  • Example constructions for relation comp:obl (oblique), the words participating in this relation are marked by ***

    For detailed definition of each relation check here .

    1	–	–	PUNCT	DASH	_	0	_	_	_
    2	***Nataalal***	Nataal	VERB	VERB	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=2|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	_
    3	ma	ko	PRON	CL	Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    4	***xar***	xar	NOUN	NOUN	_	2	comp:obl	_	SpaceAfter=No
    5	.	.	PUNCT	PERIOD	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Bu	bu	SCONJ	COMP	_	0	_	_	_
    2	wéree	wér	VERB	VERB	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    3	***may***	may	VERB	VERB	Mood=Ind|VerbForm=Fin	4	comp:aux	_	_
    4	nañu	na	AUX	INFL	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    5	la	ko	PRON	CL	Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    6	***ko***	ko	PRON	CL	Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs	3	comp:obl	_	SpaceAfter=No
    7	.	.	PUNCT	PERIOD	_	0	_	_	_
    1	***Tudde***	tudde	VERB	VERB	Mood=Ind|VerbForm=Fin	2	comp:aux	_	_
    2	naa	na	AUX	INFL	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1	0	_	_	_
    3	ko	ko	PRON	CL	Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    4	***Leon***	Leon	PROPN	NAME	_	1	comp:obl	_	_
    5	Werth	Werth	PROPN	NAME	_	0	_	_	_