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  • Examples of the root word dokuz (dokuz) also marked by ***, hover on that word to see more grammar properties.

    1	Evenlerin	Evenler	PROPN	Prop	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    2	tarihte	tarih	NOUN	Noun	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    3	***dokuz***	dokuz	NUM	ANum	NumType=Card	4	mod	_	_
    4	devlet	devlet	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    5	kurduğunu	kur	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Case=Acc|Mood=Ind|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    6	ve	ve	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    7	bunlardan	bu	PRON	Demons	Case=Abl|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Dem	0	_	_	_
    8	dokuz.	dokuz	NUM	ANum	NumType=Ord	0	_	_	_
    9	yüzyılda	yüzyıl	NOUN	Noun	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    10	kurulan	kur	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    11	Bahai	Bahai	PROPN	Prop	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    12	ile	ile	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    13	oniki.	oniki	NUM	ANum	NumType=Ord	0	_	_	_
    14	yüzyılda	yüzyıl	NOUN	Noun	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    15	kurulan	kur	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    16	Sin'in	Sin	PROPN	Prop	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    17	(	(	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    18	Altın	altın	ADJ	Adj	_	0	_	_	_
    19	)	)	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    20	imparatorluk	imparatorluk	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    21	olduğunu	ol	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Case=Acc|Mood=Ind|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    22	da	da	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    23	belirtti	belir	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|Voice=Cau	0	_	_	_
    24	.	.	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Evenlerin	Evenler	PROPN	Prop	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    2	tarihte	tarih	NOUN	Noun	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    3	dokuz	dokuz	NUM	ANum	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    4	devlet	devlet	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    5	kurduğunu	kur	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Case=Acc|Mood=Ind|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    6	ve	ve	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    7	bunlardan	bu	PRON	Demons	Case=Abl|Number=Plur|Person=3|PronType=Dem	0	_	_	_
    8	***dokuz.***	dokuz	NUM	ANum	NumType=Ord	9	mod	_	_
    9	yüzyılda	yüzyıl	NOUN	Noun	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    10	kurulan	kur	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    11	Bahai	Bahai	PROPN	Prop	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    12	ile	ile	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    13	oniki.	oniki	NUM	ANum	NumType=Ord	0	_	_	_
    14	yüzyılda	yüzyıl	NOUN	Noun	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    15	kurulan	kur	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    16	Sin'in	Sin	PROPN	Prop	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    17	(	(	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    18	Altın	altın	ADJ	Adj	_	0	_	_	_
    19	)	)	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    20	imparatorluk	imparatorluk	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    21	olduğunu	ol	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Case=Acc|Mood=Ind|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    22	da	da	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    23	belirtti	belir	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|Voice=Cau	0	_	_	_
    24	.	.	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Ayrıca	ayrıca	ADV	Adverb	_	0	_	_	_
    2	***dokuz***	dokuz	NUM	ANum	NumType=Card	3	mod	_	_
    3	deri	deri	ADJ	NAdj	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    4	yüklendi	yükle	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    5	odunların	odun	NOUN	Noun	Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    6	üstüne	üst	ADJ	NAdj	Case=Dat|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	0	_	_	_
    7	.	.	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Kaptan	kaptan	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    2	Pilot	pilot	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    3	Alaattin	Alaattin	PROPN	Prop	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    4	Yunak'ın	Yunak	PROPN	Prop	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    5	***dokuz***	dokuz	NUM	ANum	NumType=Card	6	mod	_	_
    6	ay	ay	NOUN	Noun	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    7	önce	önce	ADP	PCAbl	_	0	_	_	_
    8	THY	Thy	NOUN	Abr	Abbr=Yes|Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    9	hosteslerinden	hostes	NOUN	Noun	Case=Abl|Number=Plur|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	0	_	_	_
    10	Deniz	Deniz	PROPN	Prop	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    11	Yunak'la	Yunak	PROPN	Prop	Case=Ins|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    12	evlendiği	evlen	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Case=Nom|Mood=Ind|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    13	ve	ve	CCONJ	Conj	_	0	_	_	_
    14	hostesliği	hosteslik	NOUN	Noun	Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    15	bırakan	bırak	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    16	eşinin	eş	ADJ	NAdj	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	0	_	_	_
    17	İstanbul'da	İstanbul	PROPN	Prop	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Person=3	0	_	_	_
    18	ailesinin	aile	NOUN	Noun	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	0	_	_	_
    19	yanında	yan	ADJ	NAdj	Case=Loc|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	0	_	_	_
    20	olduğu	ol	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Case=Nom|Mood=Ind|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    21	belirtildi	belir	VERB	Verb	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|Voice=CauPass	0	_	_	_
    22	.	.	PUNCT	Punc	_	0	_	_	_