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Example constructions for relation flat (flat multiword expression), the words participating in this relation are marked by *** For detailed definition of each relation check here .
1 ***2*** 2 NUM 0 NumForm=Digit 4 subj _ _
2 ***+*** + SYM ZIP ConjType=Oper 1 flat _ _
3 2 2 NUM 0 NumForm=Digit 0 _ _ _
4 = = SYM ZIP _ 0 _ _ _
1 ***2*** 2 NUM 0 NumForm=Digit 4 subj _ _
2 + + SYM ZIP ConjType=Oper 0 _ _ _
3 ***2*** 2 NUM 0 NumForm=Digit 1 flat _ _
4 = = SYM ZIP _ 0 _ _ _