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Example constructions for relation compound (compound), the words participating in this relation are marked by *** For detailed definition of each relation check here .
1 사랑하는 사랑+하+는 VERB ncpa+xsv+etm _ 0 _ _ _
2 ***성도*** 성도 NOUN ncn _ 3 compound _ _
3 ***여러분*** 여러분 PRON npp _ 0 root _ _
4 ! ! PUNCT sf _ 0 _ _ _
1 사랑하는 사랑+하+는 VERB ncpa+xsv+etm _ 0 _ _ _
2 ***성도*** 성도 NOUN ncn _ 3 compound _ _
3 ***여러분*** 여러분 PRON npp _ 0 root _ _
4 ! ! PUNCT sf _ 0 _ _ _
1 사랑하는 사랑+하+는 VERB ncpa+xsv+etm _ 0 _ _ _
2 ***성도*** 성도 NOUN ncn _ 3 compound _ _
3 ***여러분*** 여러분 PRON npp _ 0 root _ _
4 ! ! PUNCT sf _ 0 _ _ _
1 사랑하는 사랑+하+는 VERB ncpa+xsv+etm _ 0 _ _ _
2 ***성도*** 성도 NOUN ncn _ 3 compound _ _
3 ***여러분*** 여러분 PRON npp _ 0 root _ _
4 ! ! PUNCT sf _ 0 _ _ _
1 사랑하는 사랑+하+는 VERB ncpa+xsv+etm _ 0 _ _ _
2 ***성도*** 성도 NOUN ncn _ 3 compound _ _
3 ***여러분*** 여러분 PRON npp _ 0 root _ _
4 ! ! PUNCT sf _ 0 _ _ _