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  • Examples of the root word moenie (moenie) also marked by ***, hover on that word to see more grammar properties.

    1	Leerderprofiele	leerderprofiel	NOUN	NSM	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    2	***moenie***	moenie	AUX	VTUOM	Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Inf|VerbType=Mod	0	root	_	_
    3	met	met	ADP	SVS	AdpType=Prep	0	_	_	_
    4	portefeuljes	portefeulje	NOUN	NSM	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    5	verwar	verwar	VERB	VTHOG	Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Inf	0	_	_	_
    6	word	word	AUX	VTUOP	Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Inf|VerbType=Pas	0	_	_	_
    7	nie	nie	PART	UPO	PartType=Neg	0	_	_	_
    8	.	.	PUNCT	ZE	_	0	_	_	_