L1: English L2: Spanish Rules Examples
temper.NOUN genio Short phrases: (hell, temper), (yet, max), (temper, temper), (get, temper) (get, terrible), (bad, temper), (terrible, temper)
Words: hell, mean, mr., bad terrible
Examples L1: - temper temper bowers
L2: qué genio bowers
L1: not mad no temper
L2: no estoy enfadada ni de mal genio
L1: that temper of yours
L2: maldito sea tu genio
L1: i've a terrible temper
L2: tengo un genio terrible
L1: now now children temper temper
L2: vamos hijos mal genio mal genio
temper.NOUN carácter Short phrases: (get, bad)
Words: oh, sometimes, bad, especially throw, though, woman, like
Examples L1: talk about a temper L2: hablando de mal carácter L1: i mean talk about tempers L2: o sea hablando de mal carácter L1: good you've got a temper L2: bien tenéis carácter L1: he has a furious temper L2: tiene un carácter violento L1: oh he's got an awful temper L2: tiene mal carácter
temper.NOUN estribo Short phrases: (go, lose), (let, lose), (often, lose), (get, lose) (big, wheel), (always, lose), (sorry, lose), (lose, temper)
Words: go, big, often, lose
Examples L1: i lost my temper L2: he perdido los estribos L1: - don't lose your temper L2: no pierdas los estribos L1: i do lose my temper L2: pierdo los estribos L1: perhaps i did lose my temper L2: quizá perdí los estribos L1: it's ok i lost my temper L2: tranquilo perdí los estribos
temper.NOUN temperamento Short phrases: (get, well), (quick, temper), (keep, temper), (learn, control) (control, temper)
Words: people, tam, whose, wife easily, quick, control
Examples L1: don't lose your temper L2: no pierdas tu temperamento L1: and such a temper L2: y qué temperamento L1: she has a nasty temper L2: ella tiene un temperamento terrible L1: yeah we got bad tempers L2: - sí tenemos mal temperamento L1: girl with a fine welsh temper L2: una chica con un buen temperamento galés
pipe.NOUN tubería/tubo Short phrases: (gas, pipe), (say, pipe), (water, pipe), (half, pipe)
Words: inside, exhaust, stick, lead know, number, 2, gas, half, go, water
Examples L1: yeah fabricated halfinch pipe
L2: sí es un tubo de media pulgada
L1: the water pipes burst
L2: se rompió una tubería de agua
L1: ammonia and hydrogen pipes
L2: tubos amoníaco e hidrógeno
L1: plastic pipe for durability
L2: buena tubería para que dure mucho
L1: - we're pulling pipe
L2: muy bien vamos a sacar la tubería
pipe.NOUN pipa/pipas Short phrases: (old, pipe), (peace, pipe), (one, pipe), (light, pipe) (smoke, pipe)
Words: see, leave, one, mouth tobacco, slipper, light, peace, smoke
Examples L1: - wow a pipe L2: - ahí va una pipa L1: his pipe's dirtied everythingL2: es verdad no impiden que él ensucie con su pipaL1: cold pipe tobacco stinksL2: el tabaco frío de la pipa apesta no es tan difícilL1: you and your pipe L2: tú y tu pipa L1: i got the pipe L2: tengo la pipa
pipe.NOUN cañería/caño Short phrases: (smash, pipe), (foot, run), (fix, pipe), (get, block) (come, pipe), (steam, pipe), (water, pipe)
Words: money, around, smash, water main, run, steam, break, block, fix
Examples L1: the pipes are coldL2: las cañerías están fríasL1: - fixing the pipes L2: - con las cañerías L1: tie him to the pipe L2: amárrenlo al caño L1: - the pipes are backed upL2: - los caños están tapadosL1: how would you like to eat that pipe L2: qué te parece si te hago tragar ese caño
trunk.NOUN baúl Short phrases: (steamer, trunk), (body, trunk), (bring, trunk), (send, trunk) (take, trunk), (old, trunk)
Words: steamer, find, want, see body, bring, send, go, -, take
Examples L1: what's in the trunk
L2: qué hay en el baúl
L1: the trunk won't fit
L2: el baúl no entra
L1: he's in my trunk
L2: está en el baúl
L1: it's in the trunk
L2: en el baúl
L1: i'll get the trunk
L2: yo llevaré el baúl
trunk.NOUN maletero Short phrases: (open, trunk), (pop, trunk), (car, trunk), (suitcase, trunk) (luggage, trunk), (throw, trunk)
Words: car, open, please, pop put, throw, get, instance
Examples L1: go open your trunk L2: abre el maletero L1: you open the trunk L2: tú abre el maletero L1: - mauro open the trunk L2: - mauro abre el maletero L1: a trunk full of gratitudeL2: - y un maletero lleno de gratitudL1: we're gonna open the trunk L2: vamos a abrir el maletero
slipper.NOUN zapatilla Short phrases: (ruby, slipper), (find, slipper), (glass, slipper), (get, slipper) (throw, slipper), (try, slipper), (put, slipper)
Words: -, glass, try, ruby put, give, throw, fit, find, take, get
Examples L1: why that's my slipper
L2: pero si es mi zapatilla
L1: - and the slippers
L2: - y las zapatillas
L1: where are my slippers
L2: y mis zapatillas
L1: those are his favorite slippers
L2: esas son sus zapatillas favoritas
L1: i don't know his slipper
L2: mira la zapatilla
slipper.NOUN pantufla/pantuflas Short phrases: (go, outside), (warm, slipper), (robe, slipper), (fireplace, slipper) (house, slipper), (bedroom, slipper)
Words: outside, fireplace, go, robe wear, house, bedroom
Examples L1: are those my slippers L2: son esas mis pantuflas L1: you forgot your slippers !L2: te olvidaste tus pantuflas L1: i didn't buy anybody slippers L2: no le compré pantuflas a nadie L1: - looking for my slippers L2: - busco mis pantuflas L1: those slippers are a nightmareL2: estas pantuflas son una pesadilla
approach.NOUN enfoque Short phrases: (multilateral, approach), (different, approach), (new, approach)
Words: much, european, achieve, find go, require, multilateral, different, use, problem, new
Examples L1: that's the honest approach
L2: ese es el enfoque honesto
L1: so this is a different approach
L2: así que este es un enfoque diferente
L1: the first approach is full criminalization
L2: el primer enfoque es la penalización total
L1: if you insist on this approach
L2: si usted insiste en este enfoque
L1: well this is a novel approach
L2: pues este enfoque es novedoso adelante
approach.NOUN planteamiento Short phrases: ("", approach), (sensitive, approach), (policy, approach), (agree, approach) (support, approach)
Words: parliament, solution, general, integrated sensitive, take, , right, policy, welcome, support
Examples L1: this is an approach we owe europeansL2: es un planteamiento que debemos a los europeosL1: a balanced wellthoughtout approach is what is requiredL2: hace falta un planteamiento matizado y muy bien meditadoL1: he needs to be consistent in his approach L2: el señor farage debería ser coherente en sus planteamientos L1: creating competitiveness requires a much more prosaic approach L2: su creación requiere un planteamiento mucho más prosaico L1: so why do we need a common approach L2: así pues para qué necesitamos un planteamiento común
approach.NOUN aproximación/aproximar Short phrases: (fleet, approach), (birthday, approach), (make, approach), (final, approach)
Words: enemy, fleet, close, birthday make, sir, speed, final
Examples L1: angle of approach 30 degreesL2: ángulo de aproximación 30 gradosL1: - commander cylon fighter approaching L2: - comandante otra nave cylón se aproxima L1: then warn them one approaches L2: entonces advierteles que alguien se aproxima L1: sir cyberman spaceships on approach pathL2: señor naves espaciales cyberman en el camino de aproximaciónL1: commander longrange scan indicates ships approaching L2: comandante un escaneo de largo alcance indica naves aproximándose
approach.NOUN acercamiento Short phrases: (ready, approach), (well, approach), (subtle, approach), (make, well) (possible, approach), (call, approach), (direct, approach)
Words: ready, possible, however, subtle start, direct, make, side
Examples L1: speaking of final approaches L2: hablando de acercamientos L1: acknowledged mark your approach is charteredL2: copiado su acercamiento está registradoL1: it certainly made a new approach L2: ciertamente hizo un nuevo acercamiento L1: well the simple direct approach is bestL2: bueno el acercamiento directo es el mejorL1: i would describe my approach as existentialistL2: diría que mi acercamiento es existencialista
bracelet.NOUN pulsera Short phrases: (lose, bracelet), (kind, bracelet), (ring, bracelet), (charm, bracelet)
Words: give, like, lose, kind charm, ring, buy, beautiful, please
Examples L1: silver bracelet 10 shillings
L2: pulsera de plata 10 chelines
L1: it is a bracelet
L2: la pulsera real
L1: the guy wears bracelets
L2: el tipo usa pulseras
L1: what was this bracelet
L2: de qué era la pulsera
L1: oh it's my mother's bracelet
L2: es la pulsera de mi madre
bracelet.NOUN brazalete Short phrases: (golden, bracelet), (bullet, bracelet), (steal, bracelet), (hand, bracelet) (wear, bracelet), (gold, bracelet), (friendship, bracelet)
Words: back, golden, bullet, want worth, take, gold, friendship
Examples L1: - the teleport bracelets L2: los brazaletes del telepuerto L1: give me that bracelet L2: dame ese brazalete L1: - it's my bracelet L2: es mi brazalete L1: the bracelet overrides fearL2: el brazalete hace superar el miedoL1: - a native bracelet L2: - brazalete de nativo
encourage.VERB fomentar Short phrases: (also, encourage), (help, encourage), (cooperation, member)
Words: also, group, order, good access, european, create, give, reform, cooperation
Examples L1: and how we women encourage that weakness
L2: y cómo fomentamos esa debilidad las mujeres
L1: but brightness has never been encouraged amongst slaves
L2: pero nunca se ha fomentado la inteligencia de los esclavos
L1: but our system doesn't encourage prevention it encourages intervention
L2: pero nuestro sistema no fomenta la prevención fomenta la intervención
L1: this kind of government knows how to help business to encourage it
L2: este tipo de gobierno sabe cómo ayudar y fomentar los negocios
L1: the commission needs to encourage what i call a toolkit for digital authors
L2: la comisión necesita fomentar lo que vengo en llamar un juego de herramientas para autores digitales
encourage.VERB alentar Short phrases: (people, encourage), (us, encourage), (debate, must), (ought, encourage) (always, encourage)
Words: actually, never, ought, people man, could, tom, always, make
Examples L1: i never encourage boastingL2: nunca alenté la fanfarroneríaL1: encouraging tony to touch joanneL2: alentando a tony a acariciar a joanneL1: and encouraged a neurotic teenagerL2: y alentar a una adolescente neuróticaL1: - did you encourage himL2: no lo sé - lo alentasteL1: i'd encourage his bold advancesL2: alentaría sus audaces avances
encourage.VERB estimular Short phrases: (must, encourage), (therefore, encourage), (job, encourage)
Words: use, drama, must, jealousy -, job, raise, growth
Examples L1: what's so wrong about encouraging the economyL2: - qué hay de malo en tratar de estimular la economíaL1: referendums encourage shortterm selfinterested views rather than longterm acceptance of responsibilityL2: en lugar de estimular la toma de responsabilidades a largo plazo los plebiscitos estimulan los conceptos egoístas y a corto plazoL1: we can encourage foreigncapital investments if we pay fair remuneration on their capitalL2: podremos estimular la inversión del capital extranjero si le damos a ese capital una compensación justaL1: we need to encourage dialogue with nonmember states particularly with a view to stimulating codevelopmentL2: es necesario favorecer el diálogo con terceros países en particular con vistas a estimular el codesarrolloL1: ruth helped me and encouraged me in my work which is more than you ever didL2: ruth me estimuló en mi trabajo lo cual es más de lo que tú hiciste
match.NOUN cerilla/cerillas/cerillo Short phrases: (strike, match), (use, match), (get, match), (box, match)
Words: without, tobacco, get, use look, strike, throw, light, folder, box
Examples L1: you got a match
L2: tienes una cerilla
L1: she lights a match
L2: enciende una cerilla
L1: do you got matches
L2: tienes cerillas
L1: a box of matches
L2: una caja de cerillos
L1: i'm looking for matches
L2: necesito cerillas
match.NOUN fósforo Short phrases: (right, light), (put, match), (borrow, match), (light, match) (got, match)
Words: come, wooden, gimme, borrow even, match, burn, got
Examples L1: who's got a match L2: quién tiene un fósforo L1: where are the matches L2: dónde están los fósforos L1: here comes the match L2: - aquí viene el fósforo vesL1: i have no match L2: cuál fósforo L1: we've got a match L2: quién tiene un fósforo un fósforo
match.NOUN rival Short phrases: (senior, match), (fight, senior), (meet, match), (samurai, match) (never, match), (brother, match)
Words: senior, lockhart, us, realise meet, samurai, brother, seem, , eight, never
Examples L1: you're not their match L2: no sois rival para ellos L1: you're not my match L2: tú no eres rival para mi L1: damn we're not his match L2: no somos rivales para élL1: no match for a goose indeedL2: decirme a mí que no soy rival para un gansoL1: we were no match for themL2: no éramos rivales para ellos
wall.NOUN pared/paredón Short phrases: (face, wall), (hang, wall), (picture, wall), (back, wall) (right, wall), (write, wall), (stand, wall)
Words: ear, hang, room, picture face, write, stand, back, four, hand
Examples L1: lean on the wall
L2: apóyese contra la pared
L1: here within these walls
L2: aquí dentro de estas paredes
L1: pull down that wall
L2: derriba esa pared aquí lo tengo
L1: there against the wall
L2: aquí contra la pared
L1: that's a wall sir
L2: eso es una pared señor
wall.NOUN muralla/muro/muros Short phrases: (climb, wall), (city, wall), (brick, wall), (jump, wall) (behind, wall), (outside, wall)
Words: break, climb, man, high within, jericho, garden, jump, stone, city, outside, build
Examples L1: over the rear wall L2: sobre el muro de atrás L1: the walls of sanaL2: las murallas de san'a'L1: - against the wall L2: - contra el muro L1: shadows on the wall L2: sombras en el muro L1: down with this wall L2: abajo con el muro abajo con el muro
herd.NOUN rebaño Short phrases: (see, herd), (large, herd)
Words: go, sheep, want, keep move, cattle, start, two, back, see, worth, sick, cut
Examples L1: the beginning of herds
L2: el inicio de un rebaño
L1: onefifth of the herd
L2: un quinto del rebaño
L1: they're after the herd
L2: quieren el rebaño
L1: see there's her herd
L2: ése es su rebaño
L1: my sheep herds are missing
L2: mi rebaño de ovejas se extravió
herd.NOUN manada/manado Short phrases: (rest, herd), (take, herd), (whole, herd)
Words: round, rest, way, us creature, horse, buffalo, take, whole
Examples L1: they've turned the herd L2: han dado la vuelta a la manada L1: what a tremendous herd of zebrasL2: esa manada de cebras es enormeL1: randall stampede the herd through that gorgeL2: randall ahuyente la manada a través de ese desfiladeroL1: they look like a herd of buffaloL2: parecen una manada de bisontesL1: 'cause he sleeps with a herd of steersL2: porque se acuesta con una manada de novillos
jungle.NOUN selva Short phrases: (amazon, jungle), (part, jungle), (walk, jungle)
Words: find, amazon, -, part keep, south, make, one, us, alone, leave
Examples L1: and reached the jungle
L2: y llegaste a la selva
L1: the jungle's and mine
L2: la de la selva y la mía
L1: through jungle without guns
L2: que cruce la selva sin armas
L1: over every jungle mile
L2: marcando el paso por la selva
L1: it's a goddamn jungle
L2: es una jodida selva
jungle.NOUN jungla Short phrases: (concrete, jungle), (welcome, jungle), (need, jungle), (trail, jungle)
Words: city, welcome, life, big trail, eat, #, get, need, like
Examples L1: it's like a jungle L2: - es como la jungla L1: like into the jungle L2: cómo ir a la jungla L1: arkwright jungle i call itL2: la jungla arkwright la llamo yoL1: not here in the jungle L2: aquí no en la jungla L1: has she reached the jungle L2: - ha alcanzado la jungla
pen.NOUN boli/bolígrafo Short phrases: (ballpoint, pen), (borrow, pen), (get, pen), (use, pen) (give, pen)
Words: -, pencil, put, hand ballpoint, borrow, use, give
Examples L1: thanks for the pen
L2: gracias por el boli
L1: this is her pen
L2: este es su bolígrafo
L1: - a pen please
L2: - tiene un bolígrafo por favor
L1: i bought a pen
L2: tengo este bolígrafo
L1: give him the pen
L2: - devuélvele el bolígrafo
pen.NOUN lapicera/lápiz Short phrases: (fountain, pen), (paper, pen), (sharpen, pen)
Words: paper, fountain, shall, man sharpen, ready, right, extra, buy
Examples L1: quickly pen and paperL2: rápido lápiz y papelL1: holly clipboard and pen pleaseL2: holly cuaderno y lápiz por favorL1: oh you brought a pen L2: oh trajo una lapicera L1: pad pen pen pencil pencilL2: pad lápiz pluma lápiz lápizL1: stop fooling with that pen L2: deje de hacer tonterías con ese lápiz
pretend.VERB finge/fingen/finges/fingía Short phrases: (nothing, happen)
Words: nice, sick, always, person know, hear, someone, people, sleep, love, asleep
Examples L1: pretend i've already left
L2: finge que ya me fui
L1: pretend you don't need her
L2: finge que no la necesitas
L1: you pretend to be blind
L2: finges estar ciego
L1: you pretend you don't ditch
L2: uds fingen que no faltan a clase
L1: oh they pretend to listen
L2: fingen escuchar
pretend.VERB simular Short phrases: (stupider, actually), (fuss, pretend), (make, fuss), (should, pretend) (man, pretend), (try, pretend), (know, pretend)
Words: g, fluffy, death, try never, escape, dead
Examples L1: pretend you're still my girlfriendL2: simula que aún eres mi noviaL1: you will have pretended to dieL2: simulará haber muertoL1: not still pretending you can't walkL2: aún simulas no poder caminarL1: the mayor is here at hand pretend some fearL2: el corregidor está aquí simulad receloL1: don't try to pretend that you've forgotten pat oh noL2: no trates de simular que lo has olvidado pat
pretend.VERB fingiendo/fingiré/finja/finjas Short phrases: (want, pretend)
Words: put, even, us, start interested, continue, keep, rover, go, want
Examples L1: i'll pretend i'm sickL2: yo fingiré que estoy enfermoL1: don't pretend you don't knowL2: no finja no saber nadaL1: now pretend to be happyL2: finja de estar contentoL1: don't pretend with me dexterL2: no finjasL1: i pretended to drown earlierL2: hoy en la playa estaba sólo fingiendo que me ahogaba
toast.NOUN tostada/tostado Short phrases: (piece, toast), (burn, toast), (egg, toast), (dry, toast) (want, toast), (butter, toast), (french, toast)
Words: coffee, egg, burn, piece like, dry, french, butter, eat, tea, want
Examples L1: french toast pick up
L2: tostadas francesas listas
L1: let's have a toast
L2: comamos una tostada
L1: hash browns toast pancakes
L2: patatas asadas tostadas crepes
L1: help yourself to toast
L2: sirvase tostadas
L1: peanut butter on toast
L2: manteca de maní con pan tostado
toast.NOUN brindis Short phrases: (give, toast), (offer, toast), (another, toast), (like, make) (call, toast), (drink, toast), (propose, toast)
Words: give, toast, offer, make bride, call, drink, -, propose
Examples L1: master chan another toast L2: maestro chan otro brindis L1: and to other toasts L2: hanley y por otros brindis L1: this deserves a toast L2: esto merece un brindis L1: a toast to borkaL2: un brindis por borkaL1: the the usual toast L2: el brindis acostumbrado
eve.NOUN víspera/vísperas Short phrases: (new, year)
Words: city, sentencing, event, departure end, general, enlargement, election, new, battle, war, day, wedding
Examples L1: on the eve of 1942
L2: en la víspera de 1942
L1: the eve of a new year
L2: la víspera de un nuevo año
L1: but this is our wedding eve
L2: pero es la víspera de nuestra boda
L1: and on the eve of taking over power
L2: y en la víspera de tomar de poder
L1: it's christmas eve alvy you should know that
L2: estamos en vísperas de navidad alvy lo has olvidado
eve.NOUN nochebuena Short phrases: (show, play), (real, christmas), (play, santa), (snow, christmas) (well, sir), (sir, christmas), (special, train), (train, come), (christmas, eve)
Words: tree, real, afternoon, snow sir, special, christmas
Examples L1: when he came downstairs that cold christmas eve and found his dear wife lying before the fireplace dead at the base of the christmas tree itsL2: cuando él bajó a la sala aquella fría nochebuena y encontró muerta a su querida esposa ante el fuego de la chimenea al pie del árbol de navidad al pie del árbol de navidad
barber.NOUN barbería/barbero Short phrases: (like, barber), (good, barber), (go, barber)
Words: like, street, see, chair go, say, shave, wife, -, shop
Examples L1: i'll get the barber
L2: yo voy por el barbero
L1: buried the barber yesterday
L2: enterré ayer al barbero
L1: in the barber shop
L2: en la barbería
L1: he very good barber
L2: es muy buen barbero
L1: - he's at the barber's
L2: - está en la barbería
barber.NOUN peluquero Short phrases: (get, barber), (find, barber), (regular, barber), (tailor, barber)
Words: man, find, make, yes hey, regular, become, stay, fellow, real, cut, hair
Examples L1: serving as the village barbers L2: trabajando como los peluqueros de la aldea L1: i never went to a barber L2: nunca fui a un peluquero L1: new world your father a barber L2: en el nuevo mundo tu padre es un peluquero L1: i get this perfume from the barber L2: este perfume es del peluquero L1: also you change your barber last weekL2: también cambió de peluquero la semana pasada
speaker.NOUN orador/oradores Short phrases: (last, speaker), (cut, speaker), (several, speaker), (many, speaker) (president, cut), (previous, speaker)
Words: last, mention, many, several cut, say, president, previous
Examples L1: a first rate speaker
L2: un orador de primera
L1: president cut the speaker off
L2: el presidente retira la palabra al orador
L1: - you're the featured speaker
L2: - usted es el orador
L1: but i'm not really a speaker
L2: pero realmente no soy un orador
L1: the president cut the speaker off
L2: el orador es interrumpido por el orador
speaker.NOUN hablante Short phrases: (like, native), (register, speaker), (futureless, language), (language, speaker) (native, speaker)
Words: katan, esperanto, futureless, english register, language, native
Examples L1: there are over 800000 basque speakers in the worldL2: hay más de 800000 hablantes de euskera en el mundoL1: i don't think i'll ever sound like a native speaker L2: no creo que alguna vez llegue a sonar como un hablante nativo L1: this is again about earlier this machine speaker is a gold mineL2: esto vuelve a ser lo de antes ésta maquina hablante es una mina de oroL1: hindustani has more than 300 million speakers chinese more than 750 millionL2: el indostánico tiene más de 300 millones de hablantes el chino más de 750L1: i'm looking for a native speaker who could help me correct this essayL2: estoy buscando a un hablante nativo que me pueda ayudar a corregir este ensayo
speaker.NOUN altavoces/altavoz Short phrases: (paper, speaker), (get, speaker), (stereo, speaker), (loud, speaker) (switch, speaker), (put, speaker)
Words: get, check, paper, stereo go, loud, switch, put
Examples L1: gonna need speakers manL2: necesito altavoces hombreL1: these speakers never workL2: estos altavoces nunca funcionanL1: his head becomes a speaker L2: la cabeza es el altavoz L1: - put him on the speaker L2: - páselo al altavoz L1: i'll put him on the speaker L2: lo pondré en el altavoz
persuade.VERB persuadir/persuadirla/persuadirle/persuadirlo Short phrases: (let, persuade)
Words: people, send, mr., use someone, mary, tom, allow, master, man, let, one
Examples L1: - i'll persuade him
L2: - debo persuadirlo
L1: did you persuade maddalena
L2: han persuadido a maddalena
L1: maybe he can be persuaded
L2: quizá a él se le pueda persuadir
L1: he tried to persuade her
L2: él intentó persuadirla
L1: - persuade you mr bond
L2: - persuadirlo sr bond
persuade.VERB convencerla/convencerle/convencerlo Short phrases: (think, may), (take, time), (must, persuade), (may, persuade) (well, persuade), (try, persuade), (could, persuade)
Words: think, must, difficult, come hope, may, accept, try, could
Examples L1: you can persuade him momL2: tú puedes convencerle mamáL1: - you can persuade herL2: - tú puedes convencerlaL1: i'll try to persuade himL2: intentaré convencerloL1: - i can't persuade youL2: - ¿ no puedo convencerle para venirL1: meg's under oath to persuade youL2: meg ha jurado intentar convencerlo
twenty.ADJ 22/24/27 Short phrases: (island, go), (hour, deliver), (deliver, merchandise), (line, twenty)
Words: year, 23, time, boarding -, old, guy, second, get, line, hour
Examples L1: twentyfour hours a day
L2: 24 horas al día
L1: twentyfour years old single
L2: 24 años soltera
L1: chapter one verse twentytwo mayor
L2: capítulo uno versículo 22 mayor
L1: twentytwo years we've been married
L2: hace 22 años que estamos casados
L1: - twentytwo dollars a barrel
L2: - 22 dólares por barril
twenty.ADJ veinticinco Short phrases: (year, service), (service, think), (member, states)
Words: buck, -, girl, week past, member, dollar, cent, five
Examples L1: twentyfive thousand twinkle lightsL2: veinticinco mil luces intermitentesL1: twentyfive cents more pleaseL2: veinticinco centavos más por favorL1: you owe twentyfive centsL2: debes veinticinco centavosL1: five times five is twentyfive L2: cinco por cinco son veinticinco L1: five thousand fifteen thousand twentyfive thousandL2: cinco mil quince mil veinticinco mil
twenty.ADJ veinticuatro/veintidós Short phrases: (force, hell), (go, twenty), (hour, later), (hour, ago) (four, twenty), (twenty, twenty)
Words: go, later, four, two twenty, thousand, three, hour, day
Examples L1: twentyfour twentyfive twentysix and twentysevenL2: veinticuatro veinticinco veintiséis y veintisieteL1: twentytwo twentythree twentyfour twentyfive twentysixL2: veintidós veintitrés veinticuatro veinticinco veintiséisL1: four plus eighteen is twentytwo L2: cuatro más dieciocho son veintidós L1: twentyfour times seven is 168 hoursL2: veinticuatro veces siete son 168 horasL1: i've been turning corners for twentyfour yearsL2: hace veinticuatro años que doblo esquinas
drunk.ADJ borracha/borrachos Short phrases: (especially, drunk), (check, drunk), (half, time), (guard, drunk) (completely, drunk)
Words: half, people, especially, guy check, guard, mad, completely, -
Examples L1: they are completely drunk
L2: están borrachos
L1: she's not drunk she's fantastic
L2: no está borracha es fantástica
L1: katherine grant are you drunk
L2: katherine grant estás borracha
L1: how can you be drunk
L2: borracha
L1: all the sinners are already drunk
L2: los pecadores ya están borrachos
drunk.ADJ ebrio Short phrases: (depressed, ♫), (every, night), (know, drunk)
Words: ♫, depressed, auster, think know, lose, sir, driving, drive, sober
Examples L1: drunk half the timeL2: ebrio la mitad del tiempoL1: are you drunk palL2: estás ebrio amigoL1: i'm drunk with waitingL2: estoy ebrio con la esperaL1: is you drunk manL2: estás ebrioL1: yes he was drunk L2: sí estaba ebrio
drunk.ADJ emborrachar/emborracharme/emborracharse Short phrases: (charge, drunk), (funny, charge), (get, little), (got, drunk) (last, night), (blood, saint), (get, drunk)
Words: sleep, till, got, make go, blood, get
Examples L1: let's get drunk tonightL2: emborrachémonos esta nocheL1: beats being drunk don't itL2: es mejor que emborracharse noL1: i was drunk without drinkingL2: me emborraché sin beberL1: i'd like to be drunk L2: me gustaría emborracharme L1: your father is getting drunk L2: su padre está emborrachándose
oil.NOUN óleo/petróleo/petrolera/petrolero Words: well, price, tanker, man field, business, company, find, painting, think, strike, crude, much, deal
Examples L1: it's real it's oil
L2: es petróleo
L1: that's oil it's oil
L2: eso es petróleo
L1: siberia does have oil
L2: en siberia hay petróleo
L1: no oil around here
L2: dónde va a haber petróleo aquí
L1: it's just the oil
L2: huele a petróleo y ya está
oil.NOUN aceite Short phrases: (boil, oil), (change, oil), (castor, oil), (check, oil) (olive, oil)
Words: lamp, palm, -, vinegar little, pressure, put, castor, boil, water, change, check, olive
Examples L1: you're losing oil pressureL2: perdemos presión de aceiteL1: - garlic and oil L2: - ajo y aceite L1: - now the oil L2: - ahora el aceite L1: - scorched engine oil L2: - aceite quemado de motor L1: some oil for youL2: listo para algo de aceite de oliva
vote.NOUN votación Short phrases: (result, vote), (abstain, vote), (put, vote), (take, place) (proceed, vote)
Words: committee, place, debate, today abstain, result, tomorrow, proceed, put, take
Examples L1: before the final vote
L2: antes de la votación final
L1: another vote called for
L2: se propone otra votación
L1: that concludes the vote
L2: con esto concluye la votación
L1: the vote is closed
L2: se ha cerrado la votación
L1: - let's vote everybody
L2: - hagamos una votación
vote.NOUN votemos/voto Short phrases: (explanation, vote), (get, vote), (one, vote), (give, vote) (change, vote), (count, vote)
Words: get, explanation, one, confidence count, give, cast, need, million, favour, right, woman, change
Examples L1: - let's vote firstL2: - votemos primeroL1: i need their votes L2: necesito votos L1: - 18 sure votes L2: - 18 votos seguros L1: in favour 52 votes L2: por la afirmativa 52 votos L1: miss brent one vote L2: srta brent un voto
figure.NOUN cifra/cifras Short phrases: (check, figure), (exact, figure), (look, figure), (give, figure) (get, figure), (fact, figure)
Words: show, set, exact, quote official, look, get, check, say, fact, give
Examples L1: now name your figure
L2: ahora dígame una cifra
L1: - elkhorn coal figures
L2: - menudas cifras
L1: - whats the figure
L2: - ¿ qué esa cifra
L1: i know the figures
L2: conozco las cifras
L1: the figures are clear
L2: las cifras están claras
figure.NOUN figura Short phrases: (public, figure), (good, figure), (father, figure), (nice, figure) (great, figure)
Words: public, good, father, like man, nice, make, great, speech, important, lovely, fine, see
Examples L1: a figure of funL2: una figura de la diversiónL1: lovely eyes nice figure L2: hermosos ojos bonita figura L1: - facts and figures L2: hechos y figuras qué es ese zumbidoL1: you said a figure L2: ha hablado de una figura L1: aren't these figures outstandingL2: son figuras sobresalientes
steak.NOUN bistec Short phrases: (little, steak), (small, steak), (fine, steak)
Words: fine, order, piece, chop small, -, well, salad, medium
Examples L1: he wants a steak
L2: quiere un bistec
L1: we won a steak
L2: nos ganamos un bistec
L1: you don't like steak
L2: no te gusta el bistec
L1: the steak is ready
L2: ya está listo el bistec
L1: fricandó another steak of calf
L2: fricandó otro bistec de ternera
steak.NOUN filete/filetes Short phrases: (sirloin, steak), (eat, steak), (want, steak), (make, steak) (get, steak)
Words: eat, want, good, get sirloin, pie, chicken, nice, buy, potato
Examples L1: a couple of steaks L2: un par de filetes L1: the steak english pleaseL2: el filete a la inglesa por favorL1: a nice marrow steak L2: un buen filete L1: let's see eggplant steak L2: veamos un filete L1: - steak and kidneypieL2: - filete y riñones gracias
custom.NOUN aduana/aduanas/aduanero Short phrases: (police, custom), (pass, custom), (get, custom), (clear, custom) (go, custom)
Words: immigration, police, cooperation, check authority, official, pass, office, clear, officer, duty, go, get
Examples L1: let's get through the customs
L2: vamos vayamos a pasar la aduana
L1: no customs stamps - perfume
L2: - sin estampillas de aduana
L1: lay off me about customs
L2: déjame tranquilo con aduanas
L1: the customs man has cleared it
L2: el aduanero ha dado el visto bueno
L1: - does santa go through customs
L2: - papá noel pasa por la aduana
custom.NOUN costumbres Short phrases: (local, custom), (know, custom), (old, custom)
Words: country, know, different, tradition law, local, people, language, old, ancient, culture
Examples L1: you know the customs boboL2: sabes las costumbresL1: other countries have other customs L2: otros países tienen otras costumbres L1: you don't know their customs L2: usted no conoce sus costumbres L1: maybe you got different customs L2: quizá usted tenga costumbres distintas L1: you have such charming customs hereL2: ustedes tienen costumbres encantadoras aquí
waste.NOUN desperdiciar/desperdicio Short phrases: (sheer, waste), (go, waste), (life, waste), (terrible, waste) (would, waste)
Words: whiskey, sheer, think, talent real, time, terrible, life, seem, money, -, good
Examples L1: seems an awful waste
L2: es todo un desperdicio
L1: oh don't waste it
L2: no lo desperdicien
L1: look at that waste
L2: mire qué desperdicio
L1: damn waste of birds
L2: qué desperdicio de pájaros
L1: porter don't waste it
L2: porter no lo desperdicies
waste.NOUN residuo Short phrases: (radioactive, waste), (nuclear, waste)
Words: storage, prevention, electronic, problem hazardous, export, directive, radioactive, management, incineration, nuclear
Examples L1: in the waste sirL2: - entre los residuos señorL1: disobedience is a form of waste L2: la desobediencia es una forma de residuos L1: hazardous waste trade in south africaL2: residuos tóxicosL1: richard how is nuclear waste funL2: richard cómo es la diversión de los residuos nuclearesL1: melvin fell into a barrel of toxic waste L2: melvin cayó en un barril de residuos tóxicos
waste.NOUN desecho Short phrases: (work, toxic), (organic, waste), (toxic, waste)
Words: collect, store, clean, nuclear product, story, home, dump, organic, toxic
Examples L1: it's a waste productL2: es un producto de desechoL1: no excretions no waste of any kindL2: - ninguna excreción ningún desechoL1: all the chemical waste it goes to the bottomL2: todos los desechos químicos van hacia el fondoL1: you might as well be dumping toxic waste on our lawnL2: lo mismo que si tiraras desechos tóxicos en el jardínL1: no when jack is finished the waste is rerouted the airL2: no para cuando jack termina los desechos se redirigen el aire
cliff.NOUN acantilado Short phrases: (see, cliff), (fire, cliff), (along, cliff), (white, cliff) (go, cliff), (top, cliff)
Words: take, fire, dover, base break, along, sea, look, white, go, top
Examples L1: the house on the cliff
L2: la casa en el acantilado
L1: we'll try the lower cliffs
L2: revisaremos los acantilados de más abajo
L1: - fell off the cliff
L2: - cayó por los acantilados
L1: head 'em for the cliff
L2: llevadlas hacia el acantilado
L1: thru the cliff's loose gate
L2: por el acantilado
cliff.NOUN precipicio Short phrases: (man, drive), (throw, cliff), (drive, cliff), (find, cliff) (protect, cliff), (hang, cliff), (60, mph), (plunge, cliff), (want, jump)
Words: drive, protect, hang, mph 60, throw, find, plunge
Examples L1: beyond that is a cliff L2: después de la reja hay un precipicio L1: meet me at the navajo cliff L2: nos vemos en el precipicio navajo L1: don't go marching over that cliff nowL2: no te caigas por el precipicioL1: then the excavator had just fallen off the cliff L2: entonces la excavadora se había caído al precipicio L1: a man about to drive over a cliff at 60 mphL2: a un tío que va a tirarse a 100 por un precipicio
pill.NOUN píldora Short phrases: (gasoline, pill), (stop, take), (suicide, pill), (booze, pill) (white, pill)
Words: little, suicide, food, put vitamin, stop, booze, white, get
Examples L1: hey take your pill
L2: eh toma tu píldora
L1: the new l pill
L2: la nueva píldora l
L1: give him two pills
L2: dale dos píldoras
L1: he took poisoned pills
L2: ha tomado píldoras envenenadas
L1: computer take a pill
L2: computadora tome una píldora
pill.NOUN somnífero Short phrases: (prince, valium), (valium, pill), (overdose, sleep), (buy, bottle) (make, swallow), (give, sleeping), (want, sleeping), (take, sleeping), (sleeping, pill), (sleep, pill)
Words: company, valium, sleep, sleeping
Examples L1: i took some sleeping pills L2: he tomado somníferos L1: my that's an uglylooking pill L2: qué somnífero tan feo L1: - took some sleeping pills L2: - con somníferos L1: give him some sleeping pills L2: dale un somnífero L1: i'll prescribe some sleeping pills L2: le prescribiré somníferos
pill.NOUN pastilla Short phrases: (go, sleep), (want, take), (want, pill), (take, one) (need, pill), (take, pill)
Words: feel, tell, think, work bottle, -, help, need
Examples L1: then take the pill L2: entonces tómese ia pastilla L1: of course white pills L2: - así son las pastillas blancas L1: marijuana joints pills quaaludesL2: porros de maría pastillas quaaludesL1: here take your pill L2: tómate la pastilla L1: have you tried pills L2: probó con pastillas
honesty.NOUN sinceridad Short phrases: (support, love), (angry, like), (good, policy), (appreciate, honesty) (say, honesty)
Words: policy, always, good, least refreshing, say
Examples L1: what truth what honesty
L2: cuánta verdad cuánta sinceridad
L1: i appreciate your honesty
L2: agradezco su sinceridad
L1: thank you for your honesty
L2: gracias por tu sinceridad
L1: in complete honesty old boy
L2: con toda sinceridad muchacho
L1: after all honesty is the best policy right
L2: pero creo yo que la sinceridad es el mejor sistema no
honesty.NOUN honradez Short phrases: (respect, honesty), (truth, honesty), (hast, honesty), (thee, hast) (anything, honesty)
Words: love, justice, know, hast grace, work, anything, doubt, respect
Examples L1: forget about honesty thenL2: déjate de honradez entoncesL1: you know for the honesty L2: ya sabes por la honradez L1: haven't i proven my honesty to youL2: no te he dado pruebas de mi honradezL1: is there no honesty in this worldL2: ya no existe la honradezL1: his age hasn't improved his honesty or yoursL2: su edad no ha mejorado su honradez ni la tuya
honesty.NOUN honestidad Short phrases: (complete, honesty), (total, honesty), (loyalty, honesty)
Words: admit, fair, complete, man style, total, give, relationship, one, thing
Examples L1: turning honesty into vilenessL2: transformando honestidad en vileza comaL1: take your honesty with youL2: llévese su honestidad L1: - how's that for honesty L2: - qué tal eso por honestidad L1: friends through eternity loyalty honesty L2: # amigos a través de la eternidad la lealtad la honestidad #L1: how are you fixed for honesty L2: cuánto te preocupa la honestidad
park.VERB aparcado/aparcar Short phrases: (right, next)
Words: road, come, later, suppose next, bike, corner, behind, get, go, -
Examples L1: i'll park over there
L2: aparcaré ahí
L1: sandro i'm parked illegally
L2: sandro tengo el coche mal aparcado
L1: you may park here
L2: puedes aparcar aquí
L1: we park inside the building
L2: nosotros aparcamos dentro
L1: where is the car parked
L2: dónde está aparcado el coche
park.VERB estacionado/estacionar Short phrases: (tom, park), (front, house), (car, park), (know, park)
Words: like, spot, tom, know see, outside, drive, right, office
Examples L1: i'll park the carsL2: yo estacionaré los autosL1: park in section dL2: estacione en sección dL1: you can't park thereL2: no puede estacionar allíL1: it's parked around the cornerL2: mi auto está estacionado cercaL1: i parked on a curveL2: estacioné el coche en una curva
transfer.NOUN transferencia/transferir Short phrases: (complete, transfer), (ben, get), (power, transfer), (block, transfer) (make, transfer)
Words: make, computation, give, datum prisoner, block, station, technology, power, complete, ben
Examples L1: who authorized the transfer
L2: quién autorizó la transferencia
L1: it's a perfect transfer
L2: ha sido una transferencia perfecta
L1: but despite all my transfers
L2: es por eso que soy transferido de cualquier lugar en el que trabajo
L1: the transfer is fairly simple
L2: la transferencia es bastante simple
L1: power transfer will begin immediately
L2: transferencia de poder comenzará inmediatamente
transfer.NOUN traslado Short phrases: (put, transfer), (ask, transfer), (request, transfer), (application, transfer) (apply, transfer)
Words: ask, request, put, another order, office, apply, application, sir, immediate
Examples L1: my application for transfer L2: mi solicitud de traslado L1: what about that transfer L2: qué hay del traslado L1: i mean my transfer L2: me refiero al traslado L1: transfer of a prisonerL2: traslado de un prisioneroL1: the transfer you asked forL2: el traslado que pidió
twenty.NOUN veinte Short phrases: (two, twenty), (go, twenty), (ten, twenty), (eighteen, nineteen) (nineteen, twenty)
Words: make, time, hundred, go five, eighteen, seventeen, -, ten, two, nineteen, one, thirty
Examples L1: he's at the twenty
L2: está en la veinte
L1: - twenty i see
L2: - veinte de acuerdo
L1: - sixty over twenty
L2: sesenta sobre veinte
L1: get me number twentyfour
L2: traiga al número veinte y cuatro
L1: ten twenty thirty hundred
L2: diez veinte treinta cien
twenty.NOUN veinticuatro/veintidós Short phrases: (26, 28), (four, twenty), (within, twenty), (last, twenty) (twenty, twenty)
Words: 34, long, koendering, boston back, within, last, four, twenty, hour
Examples L1: twentyfour twentyfive twentysix and twentysevenL2: veinticuatro veinticinco veintiséis y veintisieteL1: god's punishment ? twentytwo twentythreeL2: veintidós veintitrésL1: twentytwo million five hundred thousandL2: veintidós millones y medioL1: twentytwo twentythree twentyfour twentyfive twentysix L2: veintidós veintitrés veinticuatro veinticinco veintiséis L1: [ flores ] twentytwo blackL2: veintidós negro veintidós el ganador
twenty.NOUN veintitrés/veintiuno Short phrases: (get, rid), (ow, twenty), (sir, twenty), (yes, sir) (seven, twenty), (plus, seven), (true, twenty), (cut, twenty)
Words: yes, sir, plus, true cut, think, october
Examples L1: have pity on me you godfrey the mule norman prince famous for coming across abdulhamid while following the cross twentyone across ten lettersL2: apiádate de mí tú godofredo el mulo príncipe normando célebre por el hallazgo de abdulaman en las cruzadas veintiuno horizontal nueve letras
log.VERB bitácora Short phrases: (mr., spock), (stardate, unknown), (captain, log)
Words: first, riker, spock, mr. reporting, unknown, 1, supplemental, ,, stardate, captain
Examples L1: captain's log stardate 16731
L2: bitácora del capitán fecha estelar 1673 1
L1: captain's log stardate 84
L2: bitácora del capitán fecha estelar 845
L1: captain's log stardate 15138
L2: bitácora del capitán fecha estelar 15138
L1: captain's log stardate 431524
L2: bitácora del capitán fecha estelar 431524
L1: captain's log stardate 43071
L2: bitácora del capitán fecha estelar 4307 1
log.VERB cuaderno Short phrases: (gentleman, ship), (may, give), (give, us), (stardate, 8390) (42194, 7), (stardate, 42194), (medical, officer), (entry, ship)
Words: gentleman, give, us, may 8390, 42194, medical, chief, read
Examples L1: captain's log stardate 451561L2: cuaderno de bitácora fecha estelar 451561L1: captain's log stardate 424948L2: cuaderno de bitácora fecha estelar 424948L1: captain's log stardate 452082L2: - el juego - cuaderno de bitácora 452082L1: captain's log stardate 44668 1L2: cuaderno de bitácora fecha estelar 446681
wave.NOUN onda Short phrases: (krieger, wave), (alpha, wave), (light, wave), (shock, wave) (sound, wave), (brain, wave), (radio, wave)
Words: krieger, pattern, short, alpha light, shock, sound, brain, radio
Examples L1: brain wave pattern altered
L2: patrones de ondas celebrares alteradas
L1: your psychic energy waves
L2: tus ondas de energía psiquicas
L1: the chequered flag waves
L2: las ondas de la bandera a cuadros
L1: - a powerful amplification wave
L2: - una onda amplificada de gran potencia
L1: the wave of the future
L2: la onda del futuro
wave.NOUN ola Short phrases: (ride, wave), (wind, wave), (crime, wave), (new, wave) (like, wave), (heat, wave), (big, wave)
Words: look, ride, crime, wind get, sea, break, #, heat, like, big
Examples L1: struggling against the waves L2: luchando contra las olas L1: what about the wave ?L2: qué me dice de la ola L1: we floated on the waves L2: flotamos en las olas L1: waves lapping against the hullL2: olas golpeando el cascoL1: not exactly a heat wave L2: no hay precisamente una ola de calor
wave.NOUN oleado Short phrases: (morning, third), (next, wave), (another, wave), (second, wave) (first, wave)
Words: three, shove, next, another launch, wave, second, come, first
Examples L1: the second wave is going in uprightL2: la segunda oleada está desembarcando sin problemasL1: spies cannot stop this wave of organizationL2: los espías no podían parar esa oleada de organizaciónL1: not a caress but a wave of painL2: no una caricia sino una oleada de dolorL1: coming at us in waves 10 or 15 meters apartL2: están atacando en oleadas cada 10 o 15 minutos más o menosL1: he sent over his aerial spearhead wave after wave of planesL2: envió su ataque aéreo oleada tras oleada de aviones
promotion.NOUN ascenso Short phrases: (chance, promotion), (consider, promotion), (mean, promotion), (congratulation, promotion) (recommend, promotion), (get, promotion)
Words: would, come, give, could see, consider, congratulate, list, congratulation, talk, chance, want, get
Examples L1: tom deserves a promotion
L2: tom merece un ascenso
L1: you've got your promotion
L2: tienes tu ascenso
L1: is this a promotion
L2: - es un ascenso mac
L1: i got the promotion
L2: me dio el ascenso
L1: no not a promotion
L2: no no exactamente un ascenso
promotion.NOUN promoción Short phrases: (one, promotion), (know, promotion), (health, promotion), (regulation, sale) (sale, promotion)
Words: research, health, regulation, say woman, ceremony, internal, try, sale
Examples L1: how's the promotion goingL2: cómo va la promociónL1: you're bucking for promotion hereL2: hay una promoción por aquiL1: moreover congratulations for your promotion L2: enhorabuena además por su promoción L1: - potter it's only a promotion L2: howard es sólo una promoción L1: so that you'll get another promotion L2: entonces tendrás otra promoción
promotion.NOUN fomento Short phrases: (protection, human), (energy, source), (human, right)
Words: involve, protection, democracy, development support, contribute, right, regional, sustainable
Examples L1: we urgently need definite proposals for the promotion of environmentally friendly productsL2: necesitamos urgentemente propuestas concretas para el fomento de unos productos más ecológicosL1: we support the lusaka peace process and we demand the withdrawal of foreign troops and the promotion of intercongolese dialogueL2: apoyamos el proceso de paz de lusaka y pedimos la retirada de las tropas extranjeras y el fomento del diálogo intercongolésL1: it aims to include the promotion of democratic principles and respect for human rights which for this parliament are indispensable parts of our association agreements and association councils with other statesL2: el acuerdo aspira a incluir el fomento de los principios democráticos y el respeto de los derechos humanos que para este parlamento son aspectos indispensables de nuestros acuerdos de asociación y de los consejos de asociación con otros estadosL1: there was for the very first time the prospect of the complete abolition of all forms of export promotion for a whole list of products of particular interest to the developing countriesL2: por primerísima vez existía la posibilidad de la abolición total de todas las formas de fomento de las exportaciones para un lista completa de productos de gran interés para los países en vías de desarrolloL1: combating drugs requires a european dimension that includes the immediate adoption of legal instruments against the manufacture and trafficking of drugs cooperation with producer countries and the promotion of preventing and combating drug addictionL2: la lucha contra las drogas exige una perspectiva europea que incluya la adopción inmediata de instrumentos legales contra la elaboración y el tráfico de estas sustancias la colaboración con los países productores y el fomento de la prevención y la lucha contra la adicción a la droga
rifle.NOUN fusil Short phrases: (come, rifle), (clean, rifle), (without, rifle), (take, rifle) (give, rifle), (pick, rifle)
Words: another, automatic, powder, shoot look, throw, clean, come, see, take, pick
Examples L1: this is my rifle
L2: ''éste es mi fusil
L1: best rifle ever made
L2: el mejor fusil jamás fabricado
L1: take your rifle away
L2: baja ese fusil
L1: - where's your rifle
L2: - dónde está tu fusil
L1: put down your rifle
L2: deja el fusil en su sitio
rifle.NOUN rifles Short phrases: (get, rifle), (tear, gas), (gas, rifle)
Words: bring, sell, get, hand shotgun, indians, gas, tear, ammunition, issue
Examples L1: we have no rifles L2: no tenemos rifles L1: - they got rifles L2: - tenéis rifles L1: - they got boltaction rifles L2: - llevan rifles de repetición L1: i mean they got rifles L2: ellos tienen rifles L1: hundreds of thousands of rifles unsoldL2: cientos de miles de rifles sin vender
mercy.NOUN misericordia/misericordioso Short phrases: (shall, obtain), (without, mercy), (angel, mercy), (infinite, mercy) (great, mercy), (goodness, mercy), (thy, mercy)
Words: father, us, take, unto great, love, angel, infinite, goodness, thy, god, shall
Examples L1: have mercy on me
L2: iten misericordia de mí
L1: have mercy on him
L2: tenga misericordia de él
L1: is there no mercy
L2: no habrá misericordia
L1: believe in his mercy
L2: ten fe en su misericordia
L1: the law has no mercy
L2: la ley no tiene misericordia
mercy.NOUN merced Short phrases: (boat, mercy), (see, mercy), (completely, mercy), (people, mercy) (ship, mercy), (leave, mercy), (girl, mercy)
Words: wave, majesty, computer, want completely, madman, enemy, leave
Examples L1: his mercy is everlastingL2: su merced es eternaL1: we're at their tender mercy L2: estamos a su merced L1: now i'm at their mercy L2: ahora estoy a su merced L1: a true angel of mercy L2: como un ángel de la merced L1: you are entirely at my mercy L2: estás totalmente a mi merced
mercy.NOUN clemencia Short phrases: (guilty, throw), (scream, mercy), (appeal, mercy), (plead, mercy) (ask, mercy), (beg, mercy)
Words: prince, scream, appeal, plead court, beg, ask
Examples L1: upon the mercy of godL2: a la clemencia de diosL1: you better beg for mercy L2: más te vale pedir clemencia L1: use mercy to them allL2: usad la clemencia con todos ellosL1: garmiskar make him beg for mercy L2: haz que suplique clemencia L1: do not trifle with divine mercy L2: tened cuidado no os burléis de la clemencia divina
mercy.NOUN apiadar Short phrases: ("", mercy), (cry, mercy), (think, son), (son, let) (heaven, mercy), (care, plead), (lord, mercy), (may, god), (god, mercy)
Words: old, heaven, soul, lord us, god, may
Examples L1: - god have mercy L2: - que dios se apiadeL1: god have mercy on usL2: dios se apiade de nosotros !L1: you took mercy on me thenL2: te apiadaste de miL1: may god have mercy on youL2: que dios se apiade de tiL1: may god have mercy on their soulsL2: que dios se apiade de sus almas
restore.VERB restablecer Short phrases: (sequence, begin), (destruct, sequence), (seal, integrity), (integrity, restore) (try, restore)
Words: integrity, sequence, destruct, begin want, heartbeat, power, try, confidence
Examples L1: we've restored radio contract
L2: hemos restablecido el contacto por radio
L1: communication is restored in 5 seconds
L2: la comunicación se restablecerá en 5 segundos
L1: it's a crash programme to restore the heartbeat
L2: un protocolo de urgencia para restablecer el ritmo cardiaco
L1: what i did i did to restore legitimacy
L2: lo que yo hice lo hice para restablecer la legitimidad
L1: if you want to restore the monarchy than go
L2: si ustedes desean restablecer la monarquía vayan
restore.VERB restaurado/restaurar Short phrases: (film, restore), (law, order), (necessary, restore)
Words: film, one, faith, painting asano, honor, clan, public, cathedral, promise, lose, thank, original
Examples L1: it helps restore youthL2: ayuda para restaurar la juventudL1: the image was restored L2: la imagen fué restaurada L1: restoring mussolini's foro italicaL2: para restaurar el foro italica de mussoliniL1: nestor restores the imperial heirsL2: menester restaura la cabeza imperialL1: my father he restored itL2: mi padre lo restauró
maid.NOUN sirvienta/sirvientas Short phrases: (oh, maid), (yes, maid), (one, maid), (get, maid) (wife, maid), (scullery, maid), (look, maid), (like, maid)
Words: treat, governess, look, day scullery
Examples L1: i'm a maid tommy
L2: soy una sirvienta tommy
L1: i am the maid
L2: soy la sirvienta
L1: it's about the maid
L2: es por lo de la sirvienta
L1: you had a maid
L2: tenías sirvienta
L1: i mean the maid
L2: - no quería decir la sirvienta
maid.NOUN criada Short phrases: (last, year), (lady, maid), (french, maid)
Words: family, kill, good, without live, french, say, lady, let, well, take
Examples L1: i'm marrying my maid L2: y me caso con mi criada L1: i'm a lady's maid L2: soy la criada de la señora L1: - i was their maid L2: - fui criada suya L1: - the maid stop herL2: - la criada detenla abajoL1: is the maid coming tomorrowL2: - la criada vendrá mañana
maid.NOUN solterón/solterona Short phrases: (die, old), (like, old), (end, old), (go, old) (old, maid)
Words: plan, become, schoolteacher, die end, old
Examples L1: - because i'm an old maid L2: porque soy una vieja solterona L1: - a ridiculous narrowminded old maid L2: - una solterona ridícula y mojigata L1: i'll probably end up an old maid L2: seguro que acabo siendo una solterona L1: we're sick and tired of being old maids L2: estamos hartas de ser unas solteronas L1: - you're gettin' to be an old maid L2: - te estás volviendo una solterona
maid.NOUN mucama Short phrases: (people, friend), (friend, maid), (spend, whole), (whole, day) (say, early), (would, like)
Words: people, hotel, must, friend whole, spend, would
Examples L1: - you got past our maid L2: - hiciste despedir a la mucama L1: they're dressed as maids and bellboysL2: van vestidos como mucamas y botonesL1: the maid left and there's no oneL2: la mucama se fue y no hay nadieL1: but we need to find the maid L2: pero necesitamos encontrar a la mucama L1: i spoke to your maid mrs umL2: - hablé con su mucama la señora
foundation.NOUN fundación Short phrases: (president, foundation), (help, people), (connection, unidyne), (start, foundation) (set, foundation)
Words: tillinger, president, research, go study, set, support, take, start, help, fund
Examples L1: anything for the franklin foundation
L2: cualquier cosa para la fundación de franklin
L1: i cannot let the foundation die
L2: no puedo dejar que la fundación desaparezca
L1: to the warlock from the tillinger foundation
L2: de parte de la fundación tillinger
L1: i thought you worked for a foundation
L2: creía que trabajabas en una fundación
L1: the tillinger foundation is planning an expedition
L2: la fundación tillinger planea una expedición
foundation.NOUN cimiento Short phrases: (archaeological, importance), (start, roman), (lay, foundation), (solid, foundation) (right, foundation), (build, foundation), (roman, foundation)
Words: new, -, solid, right house, shake, roman, destroy, build
Examples L1: and there's beams and foundation pylonsL2: vigas y postes para los cimientosL1: go on don't shake the foundations L2: siga no haga temblar los cimientos L1: stronger than the foundations of the earthL2: más fuerte que los cimientos de la tierraL1: well habit can provide a strong foundation L2: bueno la costumbre puede ser un buen cimiento L1: nothing but trouble since we started repairing the foundations L2: nada más que problemas desde que empezamos la reparación de los cimientos
foundation.NOUN fundamento Short phrases: (want, good), (upon, nation), (nation, build), (discover, foundation) (without, foundation)
Words: senator, world, value, discover life, lay, power, lack, without
Examples L1: enjoys undermining the foundations of religionL2: encuentra un placer maligno en socavar los fundamentos de la religiónL1: that is the foundation of lawL2: es el fundamento de la leyL1: this was just more or less malicious exploitation and without foundation L2: el recurso de la señora daniels fue malintencionado y sin fundamento L1: and these work units are presently the foundation of the chinese rural economyL2: y estas unidades de trabajo son actualmente el fundamento de la economía rural chinaL1: i've helped them to remember to use it as a foundation for the futureL2: los he ayudado a recordar cómo usarlo como fundamento para el futuro
supply.NOUN provisión Short phrases: (fresh, supply), (town, supply), (get, supply)
Words: want, everything, buy, next come, man, wagon, month, need, take, town, fresh, leave, get
Examples L1: utility room supply room
L2: un cuarto de provisiones un almacén lo que sea
L1: i'm a supply store
L2: yo vendo provisiones
L1: i've brought medicines and supplies
L2: he traído medicinas y provisiones
L1: we'll get in the supplies
L2: traeremos las provisiones
L1: we just need some supplies
L2: sólo necesitamos algunas provisiones
supply.NOUN suministro Short phrases: (global, supply), (source, supply), (water, supply), (medical, supply)
Words: depot, global, service, cut source, line, water, medical, chain
Examples L1: air supply low adviceL2: bajo suministro de aireL1: - the supply tentL2: - la tienda de suministrosL1: disassemble supplies for fourL2: desmontar suministros para cuatroL1: supplies were very lowL2: había muy pocos suministrosL1: that means medical supplies L2: allí debe haber suministros médicos
supply.NOUN abastecimiento Short phrases: (gas, supply), (security, supply), (energy, supply), (security, energy)
Words: road, many, blood, guarantee hot, safety, truck, energy, security
Examples L1: - look compadre supplies L2: - mire compadre abastecimiento L1: but that could interfere with the water supply L2: desde ya eso podría interferir con el abastecimiento de agua L1: it´s a temporary interruption in the home´s electrical supply L2: una interrupción temporal del abastecimiento eléctrico L1: naturally we have an ample supply of electricity hereL2: naturalmente tenemos un amplio abastecimiento de electricidadL1: jap supply lines must be spread out pretty thin south of cape titanL2: las lineas niponas de abastecimiento son escasas ai sur dei cabo titan
fan.NOUN admirador Short phrases: (one, fan), (quite, fan), (great, fan), (huge, fan) (big, fan)
Words: devoted, yes, miss, quite huge, -, know, mail, one, big
Examples L1: a very old fan
L2: - un antiguo admirador
L1: say hey cub fans
L2: hola oigan admiradores del club
L1: you get fan mail
L2: tienes cartas de admiradores
L1: a big fan of yours
L2: un gran admirador
L1: what would my fans do
L2: qué harían mis admiradores
fan.NOUN abanico Short phrases: (chinese, fan), (leaf, fan), (palm, leaf), (wave, fan) (see, fan), (take, fan), (borrow, fan), (give, fan)
Words: bring, leaf, wave, move dance, dancer, take, palm, borrow, give
Examples L1: we've brought out the fan L2: traeremos el abanico L1: - show him the fan L2: - enséñale el abanico L1: this fan weighs three taelsL2: este abanico cuesta tres taelsL1: madame you've dropped your fan L2: madame dejó caer su abanico L1: fan dances and flea circusesL2: bailes con abanico y circos de pulgas
fan.NOUN fanático/fans Short phrases: (twin, big), (volleyball, fan), (citizen, volleyball), (baseball, fan) (sport, fan)
Words: volleyball, senior, citizen, baseball number, lot, want, sport, club
Examples L1: people like my fans L2: gente como mis fans L1: sorry about that fans L2: lo siento fans L1: more fans than elvisL2: más fans que elvisL1: to hell with my fans L2: al infierno con mis fans L1: you bribe fans for meL2: usted soborno fans para mi
fan.NOUN aficionado Short phrases: (loyal, fan), (around, world), (baseball, fan), (rodeo, fan)
Words: among, around, world, pay wild, team, baseball, rodeo, football
Examples L1: a big big fan L2: un gran aficionado L1: the fans love himL2: los aficionados lo adoranL1: just give the fans somethingL2: sólo los aficionados dan algoL1: - she is a big baseball fan L2: - es una gran aficionada del béisbolL1: the upsidedown fan is phil brody the kingL2: el aficionado al revés es phil brody el rey
fan.NOUN ventilador Short phrases: (two, fan), (go, hit), (conditioning, turn), (hit, fan) (electric, fan), (turn, fan)
Words: stop, pump, stick, would put, shut, hit, electric, go, belt, turn
Examples L1: marika get a fan L2: marika trae un ventilador L1: on an automobile fan L2: - con un ventilador de un auto L1: - switch on fans L2: - enciende los ventiladores L1: - the fan for sureL2: es un ventilador eso seguroL1: you mean that big fan L2: ese ventilador enorme
spread.VERB propagar Short phrases: (hurry, spread), (ideal, cracker), (ever, try), (disease, spread) (fire, spread)
Words: hurry, know, evil, go ideal, quickly, even, plague, fast, like, disease, fire
Examples L1: you'll spread the plague
L2: propagarán la plaga
L1: keep spreading god's word
L2: siga propagando la palabra de dios
L1: it spreads by aerogenic droplets
L2: al parecer el virus se propaga por las gotas de la transpiración
L1: this is malaria spreading across madagascar
L2: así se propaga la malaria por todo madagascar
L1: only fools spread such silly rumors
L2: solo los locos propagan tales rumores estupidos
spread.VERB esparcir Words: manure, earth, poison, understand would, throughout, across, terror, ashe, germ, -
Examples L1: - you're spreading germsL2: - está esparciendo gérmenesL1: someone without sensuality spreads terrorL2: alguien sin sensualidad esparce terrorL1: this is dangerous spreads germsL2: esto es peligroso esparce los gérmenesL1: debris are spread all over the areaL2: los escombros se esparcieron por todos ladosL1: i'll spread the light and preach the wordL2: esparciré la luz y predicaré la palabra
spread.VERB difundir Short phrases: (idea, worth), (worth, spread), (say, spread), (beauty, holiness)
Words: beauty, want, tale, rumor false, idea, information, world, word
Examples L1: the word is spreading L2: el escándalo se difunde L1: she spreads rumors about meL2: difunde rumores sobre míL1: spread spread spread the newsL2: difundid difundid la noticiaL1: who could have spread that newsL2: quién habrá difundido esa noticiaL1: spread the word about the heart attackL2: difunda el rumor de su crisis cardiaca
cover.NOUN portada Short phrases: (make, cover), (see, cover), (go, cover), (magazine, cover) (picture, cover)
Words: one, album, make, life front, put, newsweek, see, picture, time, girl, magazine
Examples L1: the cover of gq
L2: la portada de gq
L1: - your first cover
L2: - tu primera portada
L1: - and cover of newsweek
L2: - y la portada de newsweek
L1: is on a magazine cover
L2: está en la portada de una revista
L1: - it's a rather lurid cover
L2: es una portada bastante escandalosa
cover.NOUN cubierta/cubierto Short phrases: (book, cover), (blow, cover), (cloud, cover), (keep, cover) (get, cover), (take, cover)
Words: stay, charge, think, everybody cloud, give, book, keep, get, take
Examples L1: let's get under cover L2: poneos a cubierto L1: - scott take cover L2: - póngase a cubierto L1: get down and cover L2: agachaos y a cubierto L1: - a scanner cover L2: - la cubierta del escáner L1: private driscoll take cover L2: driscoll póngase a cubierto
cover.NOUN tapadera Short phrases: (may, nothing), (without, get), (could, cover), (perfect, cover)
Words: fit, trim, -, know blow, could, story, perfect
Examples L1: she's a perfect cover L2: ella es una buena tapadera L1: we need a cover L2: necesitaremos una tapadera L1: - it's a cover L2: - eso es una tapadera L1: yes that was a cover L2: sí pero no era más que una tapadera L1: perfect cover on a safariL2: una tapadera perfecta para un safari
poker.NOUN póker Short phrases: (around, woman), (play, around), (since, child), (maybe, play) (rather, play), (take, poker), (let, play), (game, go)
Words: since, turn, run, go let, house
Examples L1: tonight we're gonna play poker
L2: esta noche póker
L1: poker clubs golf clubs tennis clubs
L2: el del club de póker el club de golf el club de tenis
L1: going to play a little poker
L2: vienes a jugar al póker
L1: make up your mind poker or recipes
L2: qué quieres póker o recetas
L1: newmeat looks like a poker player drag
L2: parece un jugador de póker
poker.NOUN póquer Short phrases: (little, poker), (play, poker), (game, poker), (stud, poker)
Words: game, player, little, play face, table, lose, night, chip
Examples L1: stag movies and poker L2: películas verdes y póquer L1: still play poker hereL2: - aún juegan al póquerL1: play poker with himL2: juego póquer con élL1: - another poker buddyL2: - otro compañero de póquerL1: three hours of poker L2: tres horas de póquer
port.NOUN portuario Short phrases: (european, port)
Words: great, market, policy, competition directive, worker, european, facility, authority, service
Examples L1: we do enough salvage work to satisfy the port authorities or any investigators
L2: hacemos suficientes salvamentos para satisfacer a la autoridad portuaria o a los investigadores
L1: ask the police of any port from jidda to makassar about the word of gentlemen brown
L2: pregunte a la policía portuaria de jidda a makassar sobre la palabra del caballero brown
L1: corporations providing port services must comply with transparency requirements in their financial dealings with the public authorities
L2: las empresas que ofrecen servicios portuarios deben cumplir con las exigencias de transparencia en sus relaciones financieras con las autoridades públicas
L1: in the future you will elect the lads who will be shift leaders or port council delegates
L2: en el futuro ustedes elegirán a los compas que serán líderes rotativos o delegados del consejo portuario
L1: drops pencil a national delegation of port workers a vote was democratically taken accepting the scheme all arguing
L2: una delegación nacional de trabajadores portuarios el voto fue democrático aceptando el programa
port.NOUN oporto Short phrases: (serve, port), (drink, port), (bottle, port), (good, port) (glass, port)
Words: pass, would, serve, leave get, drink, bottle, good, glass, wine
Examples L1: port and lemon pleaseL2: oporto con limón por favorL1: nothing there's only port L2: nada sólo oporto L1: pass the port jennyL2: pásame el oporto jennyL1: - port for you pollyL2: - oporto para ti pollyL1: can i have some port L2: oh creo que necesito un poco de oporto
port.NOUN babor Short phrases: (turn, port)
Words: hard, torpedo, full, one ahead, quarter, turn, fire, engine, degree, starboard, sir, -, bow, side
Examples L1: guns ready port sirL2: cañones de babor listos señorL1: - port battery reloadL2: - batería de babor carguenL1: - surface action port L2: viren a babor L1: port out starboard homeL2: a babor hacia estriborL1: come port to 080L2: gire a babor 080
advance.NOUN antemano Short phrases: (apologize, advance), (inform, advance), (script, advance), (tell, advance) (thank, advance), (know, advance)
Words: apologize, notice, inform, script thank, tell, know
Examples L1: i will let you know in advance
L2: te haré saberlo de antemano
L1: they know in advance it's a hatchet job
L2: saben de antemano que los van a poner a parir
L1: you may as well say it to him in advance
L2: también podrías decírselo de antemano
L1: if you know about them in advance they won't frighten you
L2: si lo saben de antemano no se asustarán
L1: did you make up your mind in advance you wouldn't like it
L2: habías decidido de antemano que no te iba a gustar
advance.NOUN avances Short phrases: (make, advance), (scientific, advance), (significant, advance), (social, advance) (technological, advance), (recent, advance), (great, advance)
Words: scientific, significant, even, social technological, recent, technology, great, make
Examples L1: she had rejected his advances L2: ela había rechazado sus avances L1: adelmo submitted to berengar's lustful advances L2: suficiente william adelmo se sometió a los avances lujuriosos de berengar L1: i'm so lucky medical advances left and rightL2: soy tan afortunado los avances de la medicina a diestro y siniestroL1: he'll halt their advances with firm and fearless glancesL2: él detendrá sus avances con miradas audacesL1: we had consolidated the advances concerning europol and eurojustL2: consolidamos los avances con respecto a europol y eurojust
advance.NOUN adelanto Short phrases: (another, advance), (ask, advance), (little, advance), (cash, advance) (need, advance)
Words: big, another, franc, little us, ask, -, give
Examples L1: how about an advance L2: qué tal un adelanto L1: now about this advance L2: respecto al adelanto L1: i want 30 in advance L2: dame un adelanto de 30 ryos L1: their technological advances have beenL2: sus adelantos tecnológicos han sidoL1: there's your money in advance L2: aquí está su adelanto
advance.NOUN anticipado/anticipo Short phrases: (two, advance), (month, allowance), (week, advance), (well, advance) (get, advance)
Words: take, well, sale, half 50, want, week, pay, payment, get
Examples L1: no advances go awayL2: no hay pago anticipado váyaseL1: harry bailey 20 advance L2: harry bailey 20 de anticipo L1: isn't there an advance L2: no hay un anticipo L1: is paid in advance L2: se paga por anticipado L1: - i got an advance L2: conseguí un anticipo
transfer.VERB trasladan/trasladar/traslado Short phrases: (santiago, transfer), (let, transfer), (company, transfer), (would, like)
Words: santiago, base, tomorrow, thing make, let, mean, company, school, next
Examples L1: he has been transferred
L2: se le ha trasladado
L1: i am transferring you
L2: he pedido su traslado
L1: are you being transferred
L2: has sido trasladado
L1: i'll have been transferred
L2: no quiero saber nada me han trasladado
L1: have you been transferred
L2: has sido trasladado
transfer.VERB transferencia/transferido/transferir Short phrases: (would, transfer)
Words: back, want, power, one fund, get, control, money
Examples L1: i've been transferred hereL2: he sido transferido aquíL1: guards to transfer section immediateL2: guardias de la transferencia de la sección - de inmediatoL1: - captain's having them transferred L2: - el capitán los ha transferido L1: well actually we're being transferred L2: en realidad nos están transfiriendo L1: all functions transferred to shuttleL2: todas las funciones transferidas al transbordador
promote.VERB promoción/promocionar/promover Short phrases: (get, promote)
Words: right, development, get, european equality, help, well, sustainable, value, peace, cultural, also, health, make
Examples L1: and what you promoting
L2: y qué promociona
L1: it promotes those hightoned ways
L2: promueve esas formas de mucha categoría
L1: this organisation promotes literacy in rural areas
L2: esta organización promociona el alfabetismo en áreas rurales
L1: don't i deserve to get promoted ?
L2: no merezco promocionar
L1: if you go around promoting this chainsaw
L2: si vas por ahí la promoción de esta motosierra ...
promote.VERB fomentar/fomento Short phrases: (order, promote), (instrument, promote), (education, promote), (must, promote)
Words: multilingualism, cooperation, dialogue, measure work, employment, regional, order, instrument, language, must
Examples L1: you keep promoting this fatherson business between themL2: fomentas ese juego de padre e hijo entre los dosL1: besides one bedroom one bed promotes the illusion that we're loversL2: además un dormitorio una cama fomenta la idea de que somos amantesL1: dialogue promotes mutual understanding among peoples in the cause of peaceL2: mediante el diálogo se fomenta la comprensión mutua de los pueblos para la pazL1: today asia and europe are pursuing the common goals of promoting democracy and market economiesL2: hoy asia y europa persiguen los objetivos comunes del fomento de la democracia y la economía de mercadoL1: secondly the crucial part of the charter's agenda is about promoting the eu's permanent expansionL2: en segundo lugar la parte fundamental del orden del día de la carta se ocupa de fomentar la expansión permanente de la unión europea
skull.NOUN cráneo Short phrases: (base, skull), (fractured, skull), (fracture, skull), (crack, skull) (smash, skull), (inside, skull)
Words: fracture, crack, fractured, base smash, inside, open, crush, get, bone, back
Examples L1: i busted his skull
L2: yo le revente el cráneo
L1: i'll crack your skull
L2: te partiré el cráneo
L1: his skull will crack
L2: su cráneo se quebrará
L1: your skull's like butter
L2: tu cráneo es como mantequilla
L1: smashed in his skull
L2: aplastarle el cráneo
skull.NOUN calavera/calaveras Short phrases: (go, round), (need, skull), (even, skull), (look, skull) (old, skull), (like, skull)
Words: need, bear, hide, even lie, old, speak, look, crossbone
Examples L1: spiders skulls and bonesL2: arañas calaveras y huesosL1: look at the skulls L2: mira esas calaveras L1: and skulls without eyesL2: y calaveras sin ojos ...L1: - oh yes the skull L2: sí sí la calavera L1: we'll spud in by the skull L2: excavaremos debajo de la calavera
record.NOUN récord/récords Short phrases: (new, record), (record, run), (track, record)
Words: impressive
Examples L1: record temperatures i hear
L2: temperaturas récord
L1: - i broke records
L2: he batido récords
L1: a new league record
L2: - un nuevo récord en la liga
L1: nothing but record meltdowns
L2: no hacen más que batir récords
L1: you break the records
L2: ustedes rompen los récords
record.NOUN historial Short phrases: (track, record), (know, record), (study, record)
Words: impressive, general, country
Examples L1: what about my record L2: qué pasa con mi historial L1: i mean with his record L2: quiero decir con su historial L1: stevens has an excellent record L2: el historial de stevens es excelente L1: it won't appear on your record L2: no se reflejará en tu historial L1: your indiscretion goes on my record L2: tu indiscreción queda en mi historial
record.NOUN archivo Words: impressive, general, country
Examples L1: - from records sirL2: - en los archivos señorL1: it's in the records L2: en los archivos L1: nothing in criminal records L2: ninguna está en los archivos capitán L1: we have the records L2: tenemos los archivos L1: it's a confidential psychiatric record L2: es un archivo psiquiátrico confidencial
record.NOUN grabación Short phrases: (tape, record), (sell, old), (collection, want), (wire, record) (gramophone, record), (study, record)
Examples L1: it's a complete record L2: grabaciones completas L1: de jong sent records L2: de jong envió las grabaciones L1: i pulled striker's record L2: tengo aquí una grabación de striker L1: give me that record L2: - deme esa grabación L1: - make a record of thatL2: - haga una grabación de eso
record.NOUN discos Words: impressive, general, country
Examples L1: i brought some records L2: traigo discos L1: sure i'll make records L2: bueno grabaré discos L1: - those are good records L2: - ésos son buenos discos L1: i have all your records L2: tengo todos tus discos L1: 'i don't like your records' L2: no me gustan tus discos
cap.NOUN pac Short phrases: (reform, cap), (renationalisation, cap), (line, cap), (reform, must) (really, role)
Words: reform, renationalisation, change, aid cost, long, line, part
Examples L1: it is necessary because the cap is still sexist
L2: porque la pac sigue siendo machista
L1: cap reform was undoubtedly sold as a means to protect agricultural tariffs from future attack
L2: la reforma de la pac se presentó como un medio de proteger los aranceles agrícolas de nuevos ataques
L1: the cap with its export subsidies and import protection is a gross barrier to trade justice
L2: la pac con sus subvenciones a la exportación y su protección frente a la importación constituye una importante barrera para la justicia comercial
L1: i am sure the presidentinoffice will also be aware of the potential impact of the wto on an eventual cap agreement
L2: estoy seguro de que el presidente en ejercicio también será consciente de la influencia que puede ejercer la omc en un acuerdo final sobre la pac
L1: we are witnessing the continued and wholly scandalous misappropriation of eur 300 million of agricultural funds for the reconstruction of kosovo as though the balkans formed part of the cap
L2: vemos que se siguen distrayendo 300 millones de euros de los fondos agrícolas para la reconstrucción del kosovo lo cual es un escándalo como si los balcanes hicieran parte de la pac
cap.NOUN gorra/gorro Short phrases: (get, cap), (give, cap), (put, cap), (wear, cap) (baseball, cap), (take, cap)
Words: leave, -, get, head baseball, put, give, take, wear
Examples L1: take your cap offL2: quítese la gorraL1: give me my cap L2: dame la gorra L1: we've found this cap L2: hemos encontrado esta gorra L1: i'll fetch your cap L2: - le traeré su gorra L1: you've stolen my cap L2: me has robado el gorro
basket.NOUN canasta/canasto Short phrases: (put, basket), (apple, basket), (give, basket), (one, basket) (picnic, basket)
Words: egg, full, apple, table put, picnic, one
Examples L1: they're in the basket
L2: están en la canasta
L1: there's ants in that basket
L2: hay hormigas en esa canasta
L1: may examine contents of basket
L2: puedo examinar el contenido de la canasta
L1: bring your basket along here
L2: anda trae tu canasta
L1: the baskets the ropes everything
L2: las canastas las ropas todo
basket.NOUN cesta/cesto Short phrases: (get, basket), (without, basket), (fruit, basket), (bring, basket) (big, basket), (waste, basket), (bushel, basket)
Words: keep, come, without, get bring, fruit, find, big, waste
Examples L1: put the basket downL2: dejad las cestasL1: you forgot your basket L2: olvidó su cesta L1: - and that basket L2: - y esa cesta de ahí arriba L1: sankichi the draining basket L2: sankichi trae la cesta L1: go into your basket L2: ve a tu cesta
barn.NOUN granero/granja Short phrases: (sleep, barn), (old, barn), (get, barn), (burn, barn)
Words: old, sleep, get, use come, around, big, fire, stay, house, put
Examples L1: in the barn ...
L2: en el granero
L1: go to the barn
L2: i ld al granero
L1: the barn's yours newby
L2: - encárgate del granero
L1: straw stacks and barns
L2: en montones de paja y graneros
L1: barn with the children
L2: en una granja con los críos
barn.NOUN establo Short phrases: (go, barn), (cow, barn), (look, barn), (raise, barn) (take, barn)
Words: roof, rest, cold, wife burner, say, -, cow, straw, look, raise
Examples L1: - a barn danceL2: - un baile en el establoL1: - we're horse barn L2: nosotros somos gente de establo L1: must've headed for the barn L2: debe de haberse ido al establo L1: - he's in the barn L2: está en el establo hay algún problema L1: bravest bull in the barn L2: el toro más valiente del establo
properly.ADV correctamente Short phrases: (use, properly), (behave, properly), (job, properly), (speak, properly) (paint, properly), (work, properly)
Words: never, behave, job, - everything, could, work, paint
Examples L1: i don't breathe properly
L2: no respiro correctamente
L1: spruce them up properly
L2: arréglalos correctamente
L1: just do yourjob properly
L2: tú solo haz tu trabajo correctamente
L1: you haven't dusted properly
L2: no lo has desempolvado correctamente
L1: has everyone been questioned properly
L2: fueron todos interrogados correctamente
properly.ADV adecuadamente Short phrases: (able, properly), (protect, properly), (call, protect), (think, bring) (system, function)
Words: die, recognise, understand, protect always, integrate, police, lay, develop, manage, system
Examples L1: i want to die properly L2: quiero morir adecuadamente L1: - yes yes properly properlyL2: - que me prepare adecuadamente - sí sí adecuadamente adecuadamenteL1: just because you're properly paintedL2: sólo porque te maquillas adecuadamente L1: but i'm not dressed properly L2: pero no voy vestida adecuadamente L1: you just haven't tried properly L2: tú simplemente no has tratado adecuadamente
properly.ADV apropiadamente Short phrases: (eat, properly), (care, properly), (talk, properly), (well, properly) (thing, work), (kid, properly)
Words: eat, raise, address, talk treat, kid, program
Examples L1: - i can't see properly L2: - no puedo ver apropiadamente L1: i hope it's properly fastenedL2: espero que esto ande apropiadamente rápidoL1: christina do sit up properly L2: christina siéntate apropiadamente L1: - properly so you little gooseL2: - apropiadamente pollita no sea gruñónL1: not quite properly protested but allowedL2: no se protestó apropiadamente pero se admite
properly.ADV debidamente Short phrases: (good, apply), (least, dress), (place, properly)
Words: ship, place, take, inform vote, perform, introduce, regulate
Examples L1: health workers need to be properly trainedL2: los trabajadores de la salud deben estar debidamente formadosL1: i will properly settle things with wallachiaL2: arreglaré las cosas debidamente con valaquiaL1: i suggest that this report is not properly thought outL2: tengo la impresión de que este informe no ha sido debidamente meditadoL1: sir to quit my post only when properly relieved sirL2: señor abandonar el puesto sólo cuando sea debidamente relevadoL1: we've got to be properly armed and we're just there to do a jobL2: tenemos que ir debidamente armados y estamos ahí para hacer un trabajo
block.NOUN bloque/bloqueo/bloques Short phrases: (mental, block), (building, block)
Words: set, concrete, transfer, functional road, flat, put, stone, mental, building, ice
Examples L1: the blocks were there
L2: hubo muchos bloqueos
L1: - another drift block
L2: - otro bloque flotante
L1: siphon block broke down
L2: se ha roto el bloque del sifón
L1: - mostly engine blocks
L2: - sobre todo bloques de motores
L1: - second drift block
L2: - segundo bloque flotante
block.NOUN cuadra Short phrases: (two, block), (couple, block), (three, block), (around, block) (half, block)
Words: away, couple, two, walk three, half, go, one, live, around
Examples L1: two blocks straight aheadL2: dos cuadras derechoL1: yeah samson's two blocks downL2: sí samson's a dos cuadrasL1: they've destroyed 4 blocks alreadyL2: ya han destruido cuatro cuadrasL1: seven blocks i can't walkL2: siete cuadras no puedo irL1: then walk three blocks southL2: entonces camina tres cuadras al sur
lock.NOUN candado Short phrases: (three, lock), (big, lock), (break, lock), (put, lock)
Words: close, three, big, sword chain, put, break
Examples L1: got a lock on that
L2: tiene candado
L1: the switch to open this lock
L2: el interruptor para abrir el candado
L1: there's no lock on the door
L2: no tiene candado
L1: she's in there break the locks
L2: - está ahí dentro romped el candado
L1: ¤ the locks clink the heart pounds
L2: # suenan los candados late el corazón
lock.NOUN mechón Short phrases: (thy, lock), (within, thy), (stewart, corder), (corder, describe) (mother, hair), (get, lock), (give, lock), (scalp, lock)
Words: within, cocky, mother, thy give, scalp, hair
Examples L1: a cossack scalp lock L2: - un mechón de cosaco L1: a lock of her hairL2: un mechón de su peloL1: it's a lock of your wife's hairL2: es un mechón del pelo de su esposaL1: there's a lock of hair needs tidyingL2: tiene un mechón que hay que igualarL1: - oh could i clip a lock L2: - podría cortarle un mechón
lock.NOUN cerradura/cerrojo Short phrases: (blow, lock), (key, lock), (open, lock), (new, lock) (change, lock)
Words: blow, work, could, time force, new, key, door, change
Examples L1: putting in new locks L2: poner cerraduras nuevas L1: great the lock's jammedL2: la cerradura está bloqueadaL1: yes the time locks L2: sí las cerraduras de tiempo L1: it's got a lock L2: tiene una cerradura L1: with those triple locks L2: ¿ con esa cerradura triple
sandwich.NOUN emparedado Short phrases: (dry, toast), (take, club), (club, sandwich), (hot, soup) (peanut, butter), (accuse, eat), (butter, sandwich), (chicken, salad), (one, sandwich)
Words: peanut, club, next, fix one, right, chicken, butter
Examples L1: my sandwich got into him
L2: se comió mi emparedado
L1: - these sandwiches for anybody
L2: para quién son los emparedados
L1: don't forget your sandwiches slim
L2: no olvides los emparedados flaco
L1: - some sandwiches and fruit
L2: - aquí tienes emparedados y fruta
L1: - we're fresh out of sandwiches
L2: - se acabaron los emparedados
sandwich.NOUN bocadillo Short phrases: (fish, sandwich), (would, like), (give, sandwich), (tuna, fish) (bring, sandwich), (make, sandwich)
Words: -, give, fish, bring lunch, tomorrow, night
Examples L1: - a sandwich maybeL2: - un bocadilloL1: i want a sandwich L2: pero si quiero un bocadillo L1: - next to sandwiches L2: - de al lado de los bocadillos L1: they sell sandwiches thereL2: compraremos los bocadillos allíL1: where are the sandwiches honeyL2: dónde están los bocadillos vida mía
sandwich.NOUN sándwich/sandwiches/sándwiches Short phrases: (get, sandwich), (coffee, sandwich), (beer, sandwich), (ham, sandwich) (cheese, sandwich), (eat, sandwich)
Words: milk, steak, want, order make, cheese, eat
Examples L1: i'll get the sandwiches L2: voy a por los sándwiches L1: forgot your sandwich saraL2: olvidaste tu sándwich saraL1: look at these sandwiches L2: mira estos sandwiches L1: bacon and tomato sandwich L2: un sándwich de beicon y tomate L1: make me a sandwich L2: hazme un sándwich
privacy.NOUN privacidad Short phrases: (respect, privacy), (absolute, privacy), (mail, privacy), (give, privacy)
Words: give, around, matter, man dignity, absolute, must, girl, online, safeguard, mail
Examples L1: no respect no privacy
L2: ningún respeto ni privacidad
L1: can't have any privacy
L2: no hay privacidad
L1: a little privacy please
L2: - quisiera un poco de privacidad
L1: we'll have no more privacy
L2: ya no tendremos privacidad
L1: i gave him his privacy
L2: respeté su privacidad
privacy.NOUN intimidad Short phrases: (want, privacy), (like, little), (find, privacy), (protection, privacy)
Words: invasion, invade, well, individual entitle, protection, room
Examples L1: you'll have your privacy L2: podrá tener su intimidad L1: the lack of privacy L2: - la falta de intimidad L1: all this wonderful privacy L2: toda esta maravillosa intimidad L1: how about a little privacy L2: qué tal un poco de intimidad L1: - i just want privacy L2: - sólo quiero un poco de intimidad
language.NOUN idioma Short phrases: (know, language), (one, language), (another, language), (english, language) (different, language), (foreign, language)
Words: one, word, french, different another, foreign, english, learn, know, speak
Examples L1: he speaks ten languages
L2: él habla diez idiomas
L1: engineers who speak languages
L2: ingenieros que hablen otros idiomas
L1: sir i know languages
L2: señor sé hablar idiomas
L1: you know foreign languages
L2: hablas algún idioma extranjero
L1: jorge speaks four languages
L2: jorge habla cuatro idiomas
language.NOUN lenguaje Short phrases: (watch, language), (body, language), (sign, language), (kind, language) (secret, language), (simple, language), (programming, language)
Words: watch, use, body, sign kind, simple, invent, programming
Examples L1: don't use harsh language L2: no uses lenguaje áspero L1: what language she speaksL2: en qué lenguaje hablaL1: watch the casual language L2: vigila ese lenguaje L1: and watch your language L2: y cuida tu lenguaje L1: - john your language L2: - ese lenguaje
bean.NOUN frijol/frijoles Short phrases: (like, bean), (black, bean), (without, bean), (lima, bean)
Words: ♪, black, like, eat without, bag, -, big, lima, know, rice, pie, hot
Examples L1: - beans beans beans
L2: frijoles frijoles
L1: a bean curd pudding
L2: budín de frijoles
L1: although you're stuck with beans
L2: a pesar de que estás atrapado con frijoles
L1: they are selling white beans
L2: están vendiendo frijoles blancos
L1: have it without beans variety
L2: - sí - sin frijoles para variar
bean.NOUN alubia Short phrases: (steak, bean), (throwin, away), (baked, bean), (plant, bean) (window, go), (go, bean), (hand, bean)
Words: steak, hand, throwin, baked plant, window, make, go, field
Examples L1: meat with red beans L2: - potaje de alubias L1: yeah boy some beans L2: sí chico fantásticas alubias L1: it's got beans in itL2: tiene alubias dentroL1: - we're gonna pick beans L2: - vamos a por las alubias L1: their diet beans and hayL2: y se alimentan de alubias y cebada
mud.NOUN lodo Short phrases: (big, angry), (creek, mud), (fresh, creek), (dust, mud)
Words: include, big, creek, still onto, clothe, ever, come, back, boot
Examples L1: - isn't mud wonderful
L2: - no es maravilloso el lodo
L1: i'll walk in the mud
L2: caminaré en el lodo
L1: it's because of the mud
L2: es por el lodo
L1: there's mud all overthe floor
L2: el suelo está cubierto de lodo
L1: - yeah in the mud
L2: - sí en el lodo
mud.NOUN barro Short phrases: (hit, mud), (cover, mud)
Words: ball, street, floor, track pie, house, rain, hut, get, cover, water, face, -
Examples L1: mud on the carpetL2: barro en la alfombraL1: before death the mud L2: antes la muerte que al barro L1: 12 o'clock mud bathL2: 12 en punto baño de barroL1: - clear as mud L2: - clara como el barro L1: the mud fills your channelsL2: el barro llenará tus canales
mud.NOUN fango Short phrases: (drag, name), (dead, mud), (family, name), (lie, dead) (come, mud), (stick, mud), (name, mud)
Words: dig, female, name, stick drag, lie
Examples L1: like a bucket of mud L2: sí como un montón de fango L1: our mud flower has a thornL2: nuestra flor del fango tiene una espinaL1: prostrate in the mud for agesL2: postrado en el fango por mucho tiempoL1: croak in the mud old frogL2: a croar al fango vieja ranaL1: let's get the mud cleaned outL2: quiten el fango de aquí
ticket.NOUN boleto Short phrases: (first, ticket)
Words: home, first, much
Examples L1: got your ticket yes
L2: - tiene su boleto
L1: - three tickets please
L2: - tres boletos por favor
L1: - but the tickets
L2: - debo comprar los boletos
L1: for our boat tickets
L2: para nuestros boletos de barco
L1: i'll get the tickets
L2: voy por los boletos
ticket.NOUN multa Short phrases: (write, ticket)
Examples L1: write you a ticket L2: te daran una multa L1: it's a speeding ticket L2: es una multa de tránsito L1: i paid those tickets L2: ya pagué esas multas L1: - that makes two tickets L2: - ahora son dos multas L1: giving out any traffic tickets L2: - poniendo multas
ticket.NOUN pasaje Short phrases: (first, ticket)
Words: use, first, us
Examples L1: have you got tickets L2: tienes los pasajes L1: one ticket to moscowL2: un pasaje a moscúL1: the tickets were for tonightL2: los pasajes eran para esta nocheL1: let me have your ticket L2: dame tu pasaje L1: and thanks for the ticket L2: y gracias por el pasaje
ancestor.NOUN ancestro Short phrases: (distant, ancestor), (common, ancestor)
Words: court, share, distant, mammal family, dna, get, tell, common
Examples L1: this is my ancestor
L2: este es mi ancestro
L1: the count's noble ancestors
L2: - los nobles ancestros del conde
L1: think about my ancestors
L2: piensa en mis ancestros
L1: had no ancestors you see
L2: como carezco de ancestros
L1: that their ancestors were balmy
L2: que sus ancestros estaban chiflados
ancestor.NOUN antepasado Short phrases: (one, ancestor), (know, ancestor), (give, ancestor), (join, ancestor)
Words: like, one, know, tomb name, see, give, man, curse, famous
Examples L1: kowtow to our ancestors L2: salude humildemente a nuestros antepasados L1: oh my poor ancestors L2: oh mis pobres antepasados L1: - thank goodness for ancestors L2: - gracias de parte de los antepasados L1: my ancestors were thinkers lawyersL2: mis antepasados eran pensadores abogadosL1: we're blessed by our ancestors L2: estamos bendecidos por nuestros antepasados
nail.NOUN clavo/clavos Short phrases: (right, head), (like, nail), (drive, nail), (hammer, nail) (hit, nail)
Words: even, last, pick, coffin right, head, drive, hit, hammer
Examples L1: fuck he swallowed the nail
L2: jobar se ha tragado el clavo
L1: - hit nail on head
L2: - dar en el clavo
L1: a nail a big nail
L2: un clavo pequeño
L1: the nail tore his jacket
L2: el clavo rasgó su chamarra
L1: they're hanging on a nail
L2: están colgadas de un clavo
nail.NOUN uña/uñas Short phrases: (bite, nail), (break, nail), (cut, nail), (tooth, nail) (look, nail)
Words: bite, break, polish, file cut, tooth, long, hair, varnish, clean, finger
Examples L1: look at her nails L2: fíjense en las uñas L1: want your nails shortL2: quiere las uñas cortasL1: stop biting your nails L2: deja de morderte las uñas L1: my nails are wetL2: mis uñas están húmedasL1: i broke a nail L2: se me ha roto una uña
unfortunately.ADV desafortunadamente Short phrases: (hologram, lend), (al, hologram)
Words: us, right, require, help know, still, happen, life, way, like, bad, al, hologram
Examples L1: all our airfields unfortunately
L2: desafortunadamente todos nuestros campos de aviación
L1: i became you unfortunately
L2: me convertí en tí desafortunadamente
L1: unfortunately it´s a oneway screen
L2: desafortunadamente con esta pantalla se ve en una sola dirección
L1: unfortunately the facts prove otherwise
L2: desafortunadamente los hechos demuestran lo contrario
L1: unfortunately i do not know
L2: desafortunadamente no lo sé
unfortunately.ADV desgraciadamente Short phrases: (yes, unfortunately), (say, unfortunately)
Words: young, choose, two, head man, woman, arrive, day, certain, afford, yet, say, fact, -
Examples L1: unfortunately i must leaveL2: desgraciadamente debo partirL1: unfortunately it is notL2: desgraciadamente no lo sonL1: - it's true unfortunately L2: - es cierto desgraciadamente L1: unfortunately i cant mrs bergerL2: desgraciadamente no puedo sra bergerL1: unfortunately i don't know anythingL2: desgraciadamente no sé nada
unfortunately.ADV lamentablemente Short phrases: (therefore, unfortunately), (moment, unfortunately), (thing, unfortunately)
Words: though, wait, committee, thing therefore, contain, rule, opportunity, moment, use, however, become
Examples L1: unfortunately inaba was rightL2: lamentablemente inaba tenía razónL1: - unfortunately i don'tL2: - lamentablemente yo noL1: unfortunately they're leaving tomorrowL2: lamentablemente se van mañanaL1: it's nothing unusual unfortunately L2: lamentablemente no es algo inusual L1: unfortunately it's slow progressL2: lamentablemente el progreso es lento
jar.NOUN frasco Short phrases: (fill, jar), (red, jar), (big, jar), (empty, jar) (little, jar)
Words: sauce, break, pill, find alcohol, little, see, red, one, big, empty
Examples L1: it cost 80 a jar
L2: cuesta 80 por frasco
L1: take the jar to the store
L2: entrega el frasco a la tienda
L1: pick up those jars of gasoline thomas
L2: recoge esos frascos de gasolina thomas
L1: still in the hospital in a jar
L2: aún está en un frasco en el hospital
L1: anna get down the jar of blackberries
L2: anna baja el frasco de zarzamoras
jar.NOUN tarro Short phrases: (old, jar), (stripe, jam), (keep, jar), (mayonnaise, jar) (want, jar)
Words: jam, old, jelly, stick pay, stripe, open, keep, mayonnaise, want, whole
Examples L1: look you see this jar L2: mira ves este tarro L1: go and watch the jars L2: ve y cuida de los tarros L1: now we take the jar and we put it hereL2: ahora tomamos el tarro y lo ponemos aquí calameñoL1: now he has his fingers in that jar of gherkinsL2: y ahora va y mete esos dedos en el tarro de pepinillosL1: you can't even get a little olive out of a jar L2: si no sabes sacar una aceituna de un tarro
puppet.NOUN marioneta/marionetas Short phrases: (know, puppet), (nothing, puppet), (show, puppet)
Words: use, experiment, control, go theater, theatre, dance, know, string, show, play
Examples L1: i am his puppet
L2: soy su marioneta
L1: i am the puppets
L2: - yo soy esas marionetas
L1: as your puppet of course
L2: - como sus marionetas por supuesto
L1: you like the puppet show
L2: te gustan las marionetas
L1: - you don't hit puppets
L2: no se le pega a las marionetas
puppet.NOUN títere/títeres Short phrases: (may, like), (stay, puppet), (us, puppet)
Words: man, government, us, keep jump, treat, toy, yes, think, turn, stay, friend, apart
Examples L1: you're still a puppet L2: seguirás siendo un títere L1: a live puppet without stringsL2: un títere vivo sin cuerdasL1: shall we make a puppet L2: - hacemos un títere L1: tonight it's a puppet showL2: esta noche hay una representación de títeresL1: my friend has lost a puppet L2: mi amigo ha perdido un títere
servant.NOUN sirvienta/sirviente Short phrases: (like, servant), (give, servant), (two, servant)
Words: tell, treat, talk, dismiss work, need, girl, one, house, yetaxa, like, two, get, -
Examples L1: where are the servants
L2: ey y los sirvientes
L1: they're just the servants
L2: sólo son los sirvientes
L1: i ain't his servant
L2: yo no soy su sirviente
L1: perhaps his servant could
L2: - tal vez su sirviente pueda
L1: ignoble servants and murderers
L2: de sirvientes poco nobles de asesinos
servant.NOUN servidor/servidora Short phrases: (loyal, servant), (civil, servant), (faithful, servant), (obedient, servant) (humble, servant), (public, servant)
Words: faithful, law, loyal, civil people, obedient, sir, humble, public
Examples L1: your obedient servant ladiesL2: su humilde servidor señorasL1: you're a public servant L2: usted es un servidor público L1: your humble servant semmiL2: servidor de usted semmiL1: as your humble servant L2: como su humilde servidor le quedaría muy agradecido L1: the lord bless his servants L2: dios bendiga a sus servidores
servant.NOUN siervo/siervos Short phrases: (hand, servant), (want, servant), (faithful, servant), (god, servant) (save, servant), (thy, servant)
Words: crown, thou, body, let hand, want, ", david, save, god, lord, thy
Examples L1: i'm your humble servant L2: soy tu humilde siervo L1: you servant of beggarsL2: siervo de mendigosL1: even boatmen and servants L2: incluso los banqueros y los siervos L1: my industrious servant arielL2: , ariel siervo laboriosoL1: the servants over the mastersL2: los siervos sobre los amos
greed.NOUN avaricia Short phrases: (satisfy, greed), (motivate, greed), (profit, greed)
Words: go, bitterness, satisfy, turn call, people, devour, motivate, face, make, need, cruelty
Examples L1: fear and greed greed
L2: temor y avaricia
L1: you couldn't suppress your greed
L2: no pudo contener su avaricia
L1: a lot of it's genuine greed
L2: también hay genuina avaricia
L1: - i don't believe this greed
L2: - no puedo creer tal avaricia
L1: mindfulness lust abstention greed profusion and envy
L2: olvidadas la lujuria la avaricia la envidia
greed.NOUN codicia Short phrases: (human, greed), (lust, greed)
Words: envy, money, control, take lead, -, jealousy, victim, fear, hate, war
Examples L1: into something better than greed L2: en algo mejor qué la codicia L1: greed and averous shall prevailL2: la codicia y avariþia reinaráL1: you mean greed says otherwiseL2: querrá decir la codiciaL1: there's no limit to human greed L2: la codicia humana no tiene límites L1: there's no greed around here doctorL2: no se trata de codicia
dick.NOUN polla Short phrases: (think, dick), (sucker, soft), (soft, dick), (black, dick) (big, dick), (shoot, dick)
Words: get, hard, sherman, soft shit, black, !, man, like, shoot, thing
Examples L1: don't touch his dick
L2: no le toques la polla
L1: - ooh zulu dick
L2: - una polla zulú
L1: - my dick hurts
L2: - y a mi la polla
L1: it's not your dick
L2: no es tu polla
L1: fun fair for my dick
L2: mi polla se divirtió
dick.NOUN pito Short phrases: (dead, dick), (suck, dead), (come, back), (let, suck) ("-ill", suck), (put, dick), (shrivel, dick), (say, dick)
Words: minh, -ill, around, oh partner, spic, fall
Examples L1: vito i'll cut off my dick L2: vito me voy a cortar el pito L1: do you have a dick dadL2: tú tienes pito papáL1: i'm going to cut off my dick L2: me voy a cortar el pito L1: - voulezvous will you kiss my dick L2: - voulezvous tocarme el pito L1: it's okay steel throwbacks all got big dicks L2: está bien todos los idiotas tienen el pito grande
dick.NOUN verga Short phrases: (fuck, dick), (take, fuck), (look, dick), (give, dick) (suck, dick)
Words: come, fuck, mouth, stare take, back, look, suck, give
Examples L1: my dick is fucked upL2: mi verga esta jodidaL1: whoa that's a nice dick L2: caray qué buena verga L1: suck your own dick you schmuckL2: chúpate tu propia verga inmundo vagoL1: why don't you suck his dick L2: por qué no le chupas la verga L1: come on you great swinging dick lets goL2: vamos verga ondulante andando
pneumonia.NOUN neumonía Short phrases: (atypical, pneumonia), (say, pneumonia), (death, pneumonia), (catch, pneumonia) (double, pneumonia), (die, pneumonia)
Words: cause, atypical, catch, happen say, death, double, die
Examples L1: you could catch pneumonia
L2: puedes agarrarte neumonía
L1: your son has pneumonia
L2: tu hijo tiene neumonía
L1: - he's got pneumonia
L2: - tiene neumonía
L1: put just the pneumonia
L2: ponga sólo neumonía
L1: and then i had pneumonia
L2: luego tuve una neumonía
pneumonia.NOUN pulmonía Short phrases: (want, catch), (give, pneumonia), (hog, cholera), (enough, give) (risk, pneumonia), (may, catch), (sick, pneumonia)
Words: risk, cold, set, - may, give
Examples L1: i'm gonna get pneumonia L2: cogeré una pulmonía L1: you're gonna catch pneumonia L2: cogerás una pulmonía L1: you're going to catch pneumonia L2: va a coger una pulmonía L1: want us to catch pneumonia L2: quieren que pilemos una pulmonía L1: you want to catch pneumonia L2: quieres contraer pulmonía
bowl.NOUN cuenco Short phrases: (plate, pot), (rice, bowl), (breakfast, bowl), (spoon, bowl)
Words: plate, pot, bring, chojiro black, noodle, tea, breakfast, drink, wine, empty, spoon
Examples L1: next trip the toilet bowls
L2: luego tropiece los cuencos del retrete
L1: get the bowls and pick berries
L2: coged los cuencos y buscad bayas
L1: bowls and pots i've got lots
L2: ollas y cuencos yo los tengo
L1: get one bowl of the wine
L2: bebe un cuenco de este vino
L1: my breakfast bowl is empty now
L2: mi cuenco ya está vacío
bowl.NOUN tazón Short phrases: (eat, bowl), (put, bowl), (like, bowl), (chop, suey)
Words: soup, put, -, eat slurpy, chilli, like, chop, suey, big, take, congee
Examples L1: give me a bowl L2: dame un tazón L1: a second bowl slurpyslurpL2: y otro tazón slurp slurpL1: a bowl of steamL2: un tazón de vaporL1: - bowl of corn flakesL2: - tazón de cerealesL1: - i want a bowl L2: - quiero un tazón
bite.NOUN bocado Short phrases: (grab, bite), (big, bite), (want, bite), (eat, bite) (get, bite), (first, bite)
Words: single, big, one, grab want, could, get, go, first, eat
Examples L1: one bite for pluis
L2: un bocado para pluis
L1: give me a bite ernst
L2: dame un bocado ernst
L1: one bite for god's sake
L2: - no puedo un bocado por dios
L1: i can't eat another bite
L2: no puedo dar un bocado más
L1: hey fellas want a bite
L2: eh amigos quieren un bocado
bite.NOUN mordedura/mordida/mordisco Short phrases: (little, bite), (snake, bite), (like, bite), (mosquito, bite)
Words: like, snake, give, little take, bad, see, human, look, -, kill, mosquito, scratch
Examples L1: have a bite toppyL2: - dale un mordisco toppyL1: the bite was mineL2: el mordisco fue míoL1: you want a bite L2: un mordisco L1: go ahead take a bite L2: adelante dale un mordisco L1: - not just one bite mmmmmmL2: - ni un mordisco
horn.NOUN bocina Short phrases: (beep, horn), (hit, horn), (use, horn), (hear, horn) (sound, horn), (honk, horn)
Words: like, stop, run, hit toot, sound, use, hear, honk
Examples L1: make that two horns
L2: que sean dos bocinas
L1: okay hit your horn
L2: de acuerdo toca la bocina
L1: bang your fucking horn man
L2: - toca la puta bocina
L1: - screaming - car horn
L2: - gritando - bocina
L1: give me that horn sam
L2: dame esa bocina sam
horn.NOUN trompa/trompeta Short phrases: (french, horn), (play, horn), (blow, horn), (pick, horn) (give, horn), (me, horn)
Words: french, man, blow, play pick, take, start, give, need, half
Examples L1: tin horns which is niceL2: trompetas me gustaL1: haven't you herad the horns L2: no habéis oído las trompetas L1: a horn a horn yeahL2: una trompeta una trompetaL1: - i play horn and tromboneL2: - yo toco el piano - yo toco la trompa y el trombónL1: oh now a horn comes in hereL2: oh ahora viene una trompeta
gossip.NOUN chisme/chismes Short phrases: (new, gossip), (listen, gossip), (juicy, gossip), (want, gossip) (lot, gossip), (subject, gossip)
Words: suppose, time, hurt, newspaper hear, tell, lot, juicy
Examples L1: hot gossip the eternal gossip
L2: el chisme caliente el eterno chisme
L1: we have a gossip update
L2: tenemos una actualización de chismes
L1: i stopped to hear some gossip
L2: me detuve a oír unos chismes
L1: he didn't come to discuss gossip
L2: no ha venido a divulgar chismes
L1: six little pretend pieces of gossip
L2: seis chismes imaginarios
gossip.NOUN cotilleo Short phrases: (instead, listen), (want, hear), (read, gossip), (vicious, gossip) (hospital, gossip), (item, gossip), (hear, gossip), (come, gossip), (department, come)
Words: matter, read, come, vicious hospital, item
Examples L1: now don't spread gossip L2: ahora no empieces con cotilleos L1: it was nothing just just some gossip L2: no es nada sólo un cotilleo poco agradable sobre alguien que conocí una vez L1: by tomorrow it'll be grand canal gossip L2: para mañana será el cotilleo del gran canal L1: horses dogs shooting yachting travel parties gossip L2: caballos perros tiro yates viajes fiestas y cotilleo L1: i'm not a gossip monger as you knowL2: como comprenderás yo no voy por ahí con cotilleos
gossip.NOUN chismorreo/chismoso Short phrases: (sour, old), (local, gossip), (get, gossip), (old, gossip) (pay, bill), (bill, gossip)
Words: local, sour, afraid, man get, old
Examples L1: gossip will not be admittedL2: no van a aceptar chismorreosL1: be quiet you old gossip L2: quieres callarte chismosa L1: i'm not afraid of gossip L2: no tengo miedo de los chismorreos L1: and she'll spend her time gossiping L2: y ella tendrá tiempo para los chismorreos L1: all that gossipmongering and currying favorL2: todo son chismorreos y ganarse los favores de alguien
jean.NOUN jeanpierre/jeans Short phrases: (probably, wear), (see, wear), (get, trouble), (tight, jean)
Words: probably, , size, buy go, like, give, tight
Examples L1: look at your jeans
L2: mira tus jeans
L1: anyway i prefer jeans
L2: de todos modos prefiero los jeans
L1: come on put your jeans on
L2: vamos ponte los jeans
L1: nothing like tight jeans to hide cellulite
L2: nada como jeans ajustados para esconder la celulitis
L1: you stole some jeans i caught you
L2: me robaste unos jeans te vi
jean.NOUN vaquero Short phrases: (wear, jean), (put, jean), (glitter, jean), (tuft, hair) (shirt, tuft)
Words: wear, sweater, import, put come, throw, clear, glitter
Examples L1: put on your jeans L2: ponte unos vaqueros y rueda ruedaL1: he had jeans onL2: él llevaba unos vaquerosL1: this would match my jeans L2: esto hace juego con mis vaqueros L1: wear your jeans for christ's sakeL2: ve con los vaquerosL1: - i'm not getting you any jeans L2: - no te voy a pagar unos vaqueros de importación
pill.NOUN pastilla Short phrases: (take, sleeping), (one, pill)
Words: take
Examples L1: bring me my pills
L2: tráeme mis pastillas
L1: of course white pills
L2: - así son las pastillas blancas
L1: marijuana joints pills quaaludes
L2: porros de maría pastillas quaaludes
L1: you mean the pills
L2: te refieres a lo de las pastillas
L1: - get my pills
L2: - trae mis pastillas
pill.NOUN somnífero Short phrases: (sleeping, pill), (take, sleeping), (give, sleeping)
Words: sleeping, sleep
Examples L1: - took some sleeping pills L2: - con somníferos L1: i'll prescribe some sleeping pills L2: le prescribiré somníferos L1: i took some sleeping pills L2: he tomado somníferos L1: my that's an uglylooking pill L2: qué somnífero tan feo L1: give him some sleeping pills L2: dale un somnífero
pill.NOUN píldora Short phrases: (vitamin, pill), (white, pill), (control, pill)
Words: use
Examples L1: don't forget your pills L2: no olvide sus píldoras L1: he took poisoned pills L2: ha tomado píldoras envenenadas L1: computer take the pill L2: ordenador tome una píldora L1: i have my pills L2: tengo mis píldoras L1: give him two pills L2: dale dos píldoras
dump.NOUN pocilga Short phrases: (live, dump), (like, dump), (hang, around), (around, dump) (call, dump), (old, dump), (say, dump)
Words: live, spend, call, brooklyn old, say, like
Examples L1: just like our dump
L2: como nuestra pocilga
L1: god what a dump
L2: dios qué pocilga
L1: - what a dump
L2: - qué pocilga
L1: jesus christ what a dump
L2: señor qué pocilga
L1: - not in that dump
L2: - no en esa pocilga
dump.NOUN basurero Short phrases: (move, dump), (city, dump), (like, city), (easttown, dump) (away, dump), (lousy, dump), (get, dump), (garbage, dump)
Words: city, easttown, man, lousy waste, ", get, take, garbage
Examples L1: what a garbage dump L2: menudo basurero L1: my desk's not a dump L2: mi mesa no es un basurero L1: you call this dump a hotelL2: - llaman a este basurero un hotelL1: say sammy whose dump is thisL2: sammy de quién es este basureroL1: i've looked all over this dump L2: he revisado todo este basurero
link.NOUN enlace Short phrases: (click, link), (radio, link), (fluid, link)
Words: gate, right, many, direct establish, send, radio, get, click, fluid
Examples L1: i'll activate the computer link
L2: voy a activar el enlace de computadores
L1: hey these are good links
L2: hey esos son buenos enlaces
L1: we've lost our link captain
L2: hemos perdido el enlace
L1: most drawings have nodes and links
L2: la mayoría de los diseños tienen nodos y enlaces
L1: have you tested the link pulses
L2: ha probado los pulsos de enlace
link.NOUN eslabón Short phrases: (miss, link), (weak, link), (missing, link), (strong, weak)
Words: chain, miss, weak, missing find, place, two, strong
Examples L1: go ahead missing link L2: adelante eslabón perdido L1: where's the missing link L2: dónde está el eslabón perdido L1: you're the weak link miss hudsonL2: ud es el eslabón débilL1: missing link between man and birdL2: es eslabón perdido entre el hombre y el aveL1: this missing link in an evolutionary chainL2: - el eslabón perdido de la cadena evolutiva
calf.NOUN becerro Short phrases: (four, cow), (golden, calf), (find, calf)
Words: god, ground, -, see golden, ¤, get, medicine, find
Examples L1: - and the calf
L2: y el becerro
L1: it's that calf again
L2: otra vez ese dichoso becerro
L1: gutting the golden calf again
L2: otra vez destripando al becerro de oro
L1: ¤ the calf hasn't sucked
L2: el becerro no ha mamado
L1: and the calf's gone too
L2: y el becerro se ha ido también
calf.NOUN ternera/ternero Short phrases: (kill, calf), (catch, calf), (bring, calf)
Words: slaughter, must, take, liver catch, pig, return, like, would, bear, without
Examples L1: the calf must liveL2: el ternero debe vivirL1: you left a calf behindL2: hemos dejado atrás un terneroL1: fricandó another steak of calf L2: fricandó otro bistec de ternera L1: - uhuh he's a calf actuallyL2: no es un terneroL1: we'll have a calf in julyL2: y una ternera para julio
wave.NOUN onda Words: go, see, would
Examples L1: your psychic energy waves
L2: tus ondas de energía psiquicas
L1: the chequered flag waves
L2: las ondas de la bandera a cuadros
L1: brain wave pattern altered
L2: patrones de ondas celebrares alteradas
L1: - a powerful amplification wave
L2: - una onda amplificada de gran potencia
L1: brain waves pulse all nominal
L2: ondas cerebrales pulso todo normal
wave.NOUN oleado Short phrases: (first, wave)
Words: first, second
Examples L1: the second wave is going in uprightL2: la segunda oleada está desembarcando sin problemasL1: spies cannot stop this wave of organizationL2: los espías no podían parar esa oleada de organizaciónL1: not a caress but a wave of painL2: no una caricia sino una oleada de dolorL1: coming at us in waves 10 or 15 meters apartL2: están atacando en oleadas cada 10 o 15 minutos más o menosL1: he sent over his aerial spearhead wave after wave of planesL2: envió su ataque aéreo oleada tras oleada de aviones
wave.NOUN ola Words: see, second, go, third
Examples L1: struggling against the waves L2: luchando contra las olas L1: what about the wave ?L2: qué me dice de la ola L1: we floated on the waves L2: flotamos en las olas L1: people ride on the waves L2: la gente se impulsa sobre las olas L1: waves lapping against the hullL2: olas golpeando el casco
sweater.NOUN suéter Short phrases: (put, sweater), (like, sweater), (girl, sweater), (two, sweater)
Words: wear, two, see, dark buy, remember, girl, shirt, nice, say
Examples L1: i'll get my sweater
L2: buscaré mi suéter
L1: put on your sweater
L2: ponte un suéter
L1: his sweater is blue
L2: su suéter es azul
L1: put on a sweater
L2: ponte un suéter
L1: he bought her a sweater
L2: él le compró un suéter
sweater.NOUN jersey Short phrases: (bring, sweater), (red, dot), (make, sweater)
Words: skirt, back, could, go get, know, one, take, bring, make
Examples L1: take your sweater offL2: quítate el jerseyL1: you're wearin' a sweater L2: llevas un jersey L1: is that the sweater L2: es el jersey L1: i'm wearing a yellow sweater L2: llevo un jersey amarillo L1: he'll ruin his new sweater L2: acabará derramándolo en el jersey
shell.NOUN caparazón Short phrases: (back, shell), (ohmu, shell), (hollow, shell), (half, shell) (hero, half), (outer, shell)
Words: become, protective, ohmu, retreat donatello, hollow, half, hero, ♪, outer, look
Examples L1: it is only an empty shell now
L2: sólo es un caparazón vacío
L1: she has a hard shell and a hard belly
L2: tiene una caparazón y un vientre duros
L1: well it was a shell of a good hit
L2: un caparazón con buen golpe
L1: when you come out of your shell you're really human
L2: cuando sales de tu caparazón realmente eres humano
L1: like turtles we withdraw into our shells until you return
L2: como las tortugas nos metemos en el caparazón hasta su regreso
shell.NOUN proyectil Short phrases: (one, shell), (last, shell), (artillery, shell), (come, way)
Words: short, fall, last, another railroad, artillery, case, first, -, hit, one, fragment, send
Examples L1: that's the last shell slimL2: es el último proyectilL1: shells or something like thatL2: proyectiles o algo asíL1: over there in a shell holeL2: allí en un embudo de proyectilL1: then a shell hit the lifeboatL2: luego un proyectil dio en el boteL1: if a shell got me and you never saw me againL2: si un proyectil me alcanza y no vuelves a verme
shell.NOUN cáscara/cascarón Short phrases: ("", come), (break, shell), (empty, shell), (peanut, shell) (coconut, shell), (eat, shell), (come, shell)
Words: man, empty, peanut, around eat, egg, leave, coconut, break, floor
Examples L1: the shell is really goodL2: la cáscara es muy buenaL1: - you dropped some shell in itL2: - un trozo de cáscaraL1: even old shells can hide a pearlL2: incluso las viejas cáscaras contienen perlas en su interiorL1: scared to break the shell you're wrapped inL2: no querés romper la cáscara esa que te envuelveL1: he is now another shell of a man being transformedL2: la cáscara de un hombre que se transforma
praise.NOUN alabado/alabanza/alabar Short phrases: (lord, sister), (see, light), (lord, see), (song, praise) (singe, praise)
Words: jesus, show, song, glory #, buddha, sing, singe, allah, god, lord
Examples L1: praise be to allah
L2: alabado sea allah
L1: high praise from you
L2: alabanzas de usted
L1: good night praise be
L2: buenas noches alabado sea dios
L1: it's full of praise
L2: está llena de alabanzas
L1: my lord praise him
L2: alabado sea
praise.NOUN elogio Short phrases: (high, praise), (word, praise), (deserve, praise), (flattering, praise) (hear, praise), (full, praise)
Words: high, word, flattering, indeed foot, deserve, great, important
Examples L1: his most flattering praise L2: su elogio más halagadorL1: praise them with great praise L2: alabado sea con grandes elogios L1: you're very generous with your praise L2: es muy generoso con su elogio L1: high praise from the old manL2: menudo elogio de su parteL1: they have such praises for youL2: tienen muchos elogios para ti
dutch.ADJ neerlandés Short phrases: (french, dutch), (speak, dutch)
Words: government, presidency, minister, french parliament, version, referenda, delegation, democrats, policy, belgian
Examples L1: that firm supplied glucose syrup or treacle to dutch feed manufacturers
L2: dicha empresa suministraba jarabe de glucosa o melaza a fabricantes neerlandeses de piensos
L1: i am glad that the dutch prime minister has realised this
L2: me congratulo de que el primer ministro neerlandés se haya dado cuenta de ello
L1: the dutch minister ignored parliament when decisions were taken in the council of ministers
L2: el ministro neerlandés ignoró al parlamento cuando se tomaron decisiones en el consejo de ministros
L1: in fact until two years ago the dutch government was also opposed to this directive
L2: por otra parte el gobierno neerlandés estuvo hasta hace dos años en contra de esta directiva
L1: what is more the dutch minister mr bot even says that he is squarely behind mr buttiglione
L2: aún más el ministro neerlandés señor bot incluso dice que respalda abiertamente al señor buttiglione
dutch.ADJ holandés Short phrases: (know, dutch), (like, dutch)
Words: flag, make, master, little people, ambassador, girl, know, like, boy, coast, ship, -
Examples L1: she's a dutch girlL2: es holandesaL1: an old dutch villaL2: una antigua villa holandesaL1: he's a dutch pilotL2: es un piloto holandésL1: a dutch chocolate makerL2: un fabricante de chocolate holandésL1: you know the dutch psychicL2: ya sabe la vidente holandesa
essentially.ADV esencia/esencialmente Short phrases: (become, essentially), (future, essentially)
Words: see, two, design, thing fact, fight, take, one, free, future, matter
Examples L1: essentially what was in the original lab is here
L2: esencialmente lo que había en el laboratorio está aquí
L1: they raised beef cattle on what was essentially wetlands
L2: que también criaban vacas en lo que eran esencialmente llanuras húmedas
L1: so ecstasy is essentially a stepping into an alternative reality
L2: entonces el extasis es esencialmente un entrar en una realidad alternativa
L1: and essentially the oceans are breathing through the southern ocean
L2: y esencialmente los océanos respiran a través del océano antártico
L1: yet of course like all music it's essentially not about anything
L2: y aún así como toda la música en esencia no es acerca de nada
essentially.ADV básicamente Short phrases: (guess, essentially), (stupid, man), (plagiarize, theory), (kombucha, recipe) (use, kombucha), (interpretation, —), (faith, say)
Words: plagiarize, kombucha, interpretation, give develop, product, purpose, procedure, look
Examples L1: that is essentially itL2: eso es todo básicamenteL1: essentially we are patternseeking primatesL2: básicamente somos primates buscadores de patronesL1: essentially this is a vote of trustL2: básicamente es un voto de confianzaL1: i will restrict myself essentially to three aspectsL2: básicamente me limitaré a tres aspectosL1: it's essentially an involuntary muscle activated by electrical impulsesL2: básicamente se trata de un músculo involuntario activado por impulsos eléctricos ...
flock.NOUN rebaño Short phrases: (shepherd, flock), (sayeth, flock), (tend, flock), (sheep, flock) (one, flock)
Words: sheep, sayeth, shepherd, tend leave, little, father, white
Examples L1: they are my flock
L2: éste es mi rebaño
L1: - i followed the flock
L2: - seguí al rebaño
L1: this isn't a flock they're sheep
L2: estas no son rebaño son ovejas
L1: i'm a shepherd who's lost my flock
L2: soy solo una pastorcita que perdió a su rebaño
L1: time to gather your flock miss gennero
L2: hora de reunir al rebaño srta gennero
flock.NOUN bandada Short phrases: (turn, back), (protection, flock), (see, flock), (back, flock) (whole, flock)
Words: protection, back, seagull, see fly, wild, geese, whole, bird
Examples L1: a flock of sparrowsL2: bandada de gorrionesL1: he can destroy the flock L2: destruirá a la bandada L1: the flock was gonna kill usL2: la bandada iba a matarnosL1: a flock of eagles pass overL2: una bandada de águilas pasó por lo altoL1: the law of the flock decidesL2: aquí decide la ley de la bandada
computer.NOUN ordenador Short phrases: (9000, computer), (repair, computer)
Words: fix, main
Examples L1: dive into the computers
L2: consulta los ordenadores
L1: computer eliminate program two
L2: ordenador elimina el programa 2
L1: the computer made them
L2: las creó el ordenador
L1: computer security override request
L2: ordenador petición de clave de seguridad
L1: this is my computer
L2: este es mi ordenador
computer.NOUN computación/computador/computadora Short phrases: (use, computer), (run, computer)
Words: program, new, access
Examples L1: the computer's screwed upL2: las computadoras se dañaraonL1: which the computer providedL2: le pidió uno a la computadoraL1: - computer standing byL2: - computadora en esperaL1: something on the computer L2: algo en la computadora L1: it's a computer discL2: es un disco de computadora
computer.NOUN informática/informático Short phrases: (use, computer)
Words: new
Examples L1: they are computer analystsL2: ellos son analistas informáticosL1: the pharos computer roomL2: la sala de informática pharosL1: i invented a computer languageL2: he inventado un lenguaje informáticoL1: you or mom our computer teacherL2: tú o mamá nuestro profesor de informáticaL1: all scanners lock into computer banksL2: conecten los escáneres a los bancos informáticos
cleaner.NOUN tintorería Short phrases: (dry, cleaner), (suit, cleaner), (take, cleaner), (send, cleaner) (back, cleaner), (dress, cleaner)
Words: dry, send, get, suit take, back, pick, dress, go
Examples L1: it's at the cleaners
L2: en la tintorería
L1: oh they're at the cleaners
L2: la tintorería
L1: you called for the cleaners
L2: tu llamaste a la tintorería
L1: - cleaners must have shrunk it
L2: se habrá encogido en la tintorería
L1: con drop my suits at the cleaners
L2: puedes llevar los trajes a la tintorería
cleaner.NOUN aspirador/aspiradora Short phrases: (new, vacuum), (buy, vacuum), (peddle, vacuum), (sell, vacuum) (vacuum, cleaner)
Words: washing, new, well, peddle machine, buy, sell, vacuum
Examples L1: a walking vacuum cleaner L2: es una verdadera aspiradora L1: that shitty vacuum cleaner L2: " ¡ ese aspirador de mierda L1: well like kissing a vacuum cleaner L2: - cómo besar a una aspiradora L1: please do not imitate vacuum cleaner L2: por favor no imites aspiradora L1: ours got swept in the vacuum cleaner L2: la otra se la tragó la aspiradora
driver.NOUN camionero Short phrases: (like, truck), (experienced, driver), (lorry, driver), (truck, driver)
Words: asya, love, like, experienced lorry, truck
Examples L1: he's a truck driver
L2: es camionero
L1: maimota the truck driver
L2: maimota el camionero
L1: lorry driver shop assistant tobacconist
L2: camionero dependiente estanquero
L1: he's a longdistance lorry driver
L2: es camionero
L1: don't touch me truck driver
L2: usted camionero no me toque
driver.NOUN conductor/conductores Short phrases: (truck, stop), (talk, driver), (drunk, driver), (bad, driver)
Words: also, drunk, license, miss work, hit, professional, side, bad, car
Examples L1: the tumbrel driver saidL2: dijo el conductor de la carreta de los condenadosL1: - pietro the driver L2: - pietro el conductor L1: i'm an excellent driver L2: soy un excelente conductor L1: no a bad driver L2: noun mal conductor L1: longman's a marvellous driver L2: longman es un conductor fantástico
driver.NOUN chofer/chófer Short phrases: (send, driver), (take, home)
Words: service, personal, chauffeur, two wait, need, back, send, turn, -, take
Examples L1: you're not my driver L2: tu no eres mi chofer L1: wait for me driver L2: espéreme chofer L1: can't your driver talkL2: no sabe hablar el chófer es mudoL1: you'll send your driver L2: muy bien me manda al chófer L1: here you are driver L2: aquí tiene chofer
driver.NOUN cochero Short phrases: (everybody, know), (cabin, night), (death, driver), (chariot, driver) (keep, driver), (would, good), (luther, run)
Words: girl, cabin, stagecoach, chariot coach, son
Examples L1: droosh driver driver drooshL2: cochero acércate cocheroL1: the son of a driver L2: el hijo de un cochero L1: oh it's you driver driverL2: ah eres tú cochero L1: let me out driver stopL2: cochero pareL1: are you the cab driver L2: es usted el cochero
pupil.NOUN pupila/pupilas/pupilo Short phrases: (fix, dilate), (right, pupil)
Words: eye, dilate, get, react uh, young, contract, fix, float, right
Examples L1: his pupil dilation's fine
L2: la dilatación de la pupila es correcta
L1: his pupils aren't reacting
L2: las pupilas no reaccionan
L1: pupils fixed and dilated
L2: tiene las pupilas fijas y dilatadas
L1: the pupils they're fixed
L2: qué las pupilas están fijas y dilatadas
L1: he is also my pupil
L2: tambien es mi pupilo
pupil.NOUN alumna Short phrases: (crème, de), (good, bad), (nothing, new), (new, us) (favourite, pupil), (bad, pupil), (new, pupil), (good, pupil), (one, pupil)
Words: crème, nothing, teacher, favourite bad, new, one, good
Examples L1: she's my new pupil L2: es mi nueva alumna L1: oh sure another pupil L2: ah claro otra alumna L1: she seems a good pupil L2: parece una buena alumna L1: how does your pupil playL2: y bien qué opinas de tu alumnaL1: she is not just a pupil L2: no es sólo una alumna
ticket.NOUN boleto Short phrases: (first, ticket)
Words: home, first, much
Examples L1: got your ticket yes
L2: - tiene su boleto
L1: - three tickets please
L2: - tres boletos por favor
L1: - but the tickets
L2: - debo comprar los boletos
L1: for our boat tickets
L2: para nuestros boletos de barco
L1: i'll get the tickets
L2: voy por los boletos
ticket.NOUN multa Short phrases: (write, ticket)
Examples L1: write you a ticket L2: te daran una multa L1: it's a speeding ticket L2: es una multa de tránsito L1: i paid those tickets L2: ya pagué esas multas L1: - that makes two tickets L2: - ahora son dos multas L1: giving out any traffic tickets L2: - poniendo multas
ticket.NOUN pasaje Short phrases: (first, ticket)
Words: use, first, us
Examples L1: have you got tickets L2: tienes los pasajes L1: one ticket to moscowL2: un pasaje a moscúL1: the tickets were for tonightL2: los pasajes eran para esta nocheL1: let me have your ticket L2: dame tu pasaje L1: and thanks for the ticket L2: y gracias por el pasaje
bait.NOUN cebo Short phrases: (use, us), (piece, bait), (use, bait), (live, bait)
Words: enough, little, barge, piece kid, make, get, want, trap, live
Examples L1: cops make good bait
L2: los polis son buenos cebos
L1: that's it gorilla bait
L2: así es cebo para gorila
L1: look at the baits
L2: mire qué cebo vivas y coleando
L1: they will be the bait
L2: serán el cebo
L1: they're going to bite the bait
L2: ellos van a morder el cebo
bait.NOUN anzuelo Short phrases: (fall, bait), (fish, bait), (bite, bait), (swallow, bait) (take, bait)
Words: idiot, would, fall, us end, bite, swallow, take
Examples L1: they took the bait L2: mordieron el anzuelo L1: he's taken the bait L2: ha mordido el anzuelo L1: don't bite the bait L2: no muerdas el anzuelo L1: he rose to the bait L2: mordió el anzuelo L1: they took the bait admiralL2: han mordido el anzuelo almirante
bait.NOUN carnada Short phrases: (go, use), (drop, bait), (child, bait), (lose, bait)
Words: hire, right, shop, throw drop, could, child, unless, lose
Examples L1: live bait works bestL2: la carnada viva es la mejorL1: the bait is youL2: la carnada eres túL1: use them for bait ?L2: usarlos como carnada L1: for we used dead bait L2: usamos carnada muerta L1: they're using me for bait L2: me están usando como carnada
hunch.NOUN corazonada Short phrases: (follow, hunch), (kind, hunch), (well, hunch), (right, hunch)
Words: call, make, hope, - bet, know, give, well, right
Examples L1: i got a hunch
L2: - tengo una corazonada
L1: it's just a hunch
L2: es una corazonada
L1: - just a hunch
L2: una corazonada
L1: i've got another hunch
L2: tengo otra corazonada
L1: more like a hunch
L2: más bien fue una corazonada
hunch.NOUN presentimiento Short phrases: (get, hunch), (one, hunch), (correct, lucky), (lucky, man) (oh, hunch), (brung, something)
Words: get, oh, one, correct nothing, sort, brung
Examples L1: i've got a hunch L2: tengo un presentimiento L1: have more than hunch L2: tengo más que un presentimiento L1: i have a hunch doctorL2: tengo un presentimiento doctorL1: oh i had a hunch L2: oh tuve un presentimiento L1: how's that for a hunch L2: qué te parece el presentimiento