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Examples of the root word must (must) also marked by ***, hover on that word to see more grammar properties.
1 As(As) as ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
2 a(a) a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
3 parent(parent) parent NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
4 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
5 I(I) I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
6 can(can) can AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
7 well(well) well ADV RB Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
8 imagine(imagine) imagine VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
9 how(how) how ADV WRB PronType=Int 0 _ _ _
10 painful(painful) painful ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
11 it(it) it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
12 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 8 comp:obj _ _
13 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
14 for(for) for ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
15 those(those) those DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 0 _ _ _
16 families(families) family NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
17 whose(whose) whose PRON WP$ Poss=Yes|PronType=Int 0 _ _ _
18 children(children) child NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
19 are(are) be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
20 succumbing(succumbing) succumb VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 0 _ _ _
21 to(to) to ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
22 radiation(radiation) radiation NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
23 poisoning(poisoning) poisoning NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
24 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 Response(Response) response NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
2 :(:) : PUNCT : _ 0 _ _ _
3 The(The) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
4 US(US) US PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
5 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 1 appos _ _
6 do(do) do VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
7 whatever(whatever) whatever PRON WP PronType=Int 0 _ _ _
8 it(it) it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
9 can(can) can AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
10 to(to) to PART TO _ 0 _ _ _
11 strengthen(strengthen) strengthen VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
12 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
13 legitimacy(legitimacy) legitimacy NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
14 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
15 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
16 Pakistani(Pakistani) pakistani ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
17 government(government) government NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
18 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 This(This) this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 0 _ _ _
2 is(is) be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
3 what(what) what PRON WP PronType=Int 0 _ _ _
4 Edwards(Edwards) Edwards PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
5 '(') 's PART POS _ 0 _ _ _
6 campaign(campaign) campaign NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
7 literature(literature) literature NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
8 said(said) say VERB VBD Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
9 about(about) about ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
10 his(his) he PRON PRP$ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
11 positions(positions) position NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
12 :(:) : PUNCT : _ 0 _ _ _
13 "(") " PUNCT `` _ 0 _ _ _
14 Edwards(Edwards) Edwards PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
15 believes(believes) believe VERB VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
16 that(that) that SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
17 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
18 U.S.(U.S.) U.S. PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
19 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 16 comp:obj _ _
20 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
21 an(an) a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
22 active(active) active ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
23 leader(leader) leader NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
24 to(to) to PART TO _ 0 _ _ _
25 help(help) help VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
26 resolve(resolve) resolve VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
27 conflicts(conflicts) conflict NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
28 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
29 from(from) from SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
30 reducing(reducing) reduce VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 _ _ _
31 tensions(tensions) tension NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
32 between(between) between ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
33 India(India) India PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
34 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
35 Pakistan(Pakistan) Pakistan PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
36 to(to) to ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
37 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
38 peace(peace) peace NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
39 process(process) process NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
40 in(in) in ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
41 Northern(Northern) Northern PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
42 Ireland(Ireland) Ireland PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
43 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 Any(Any) any DET DT _ 0 _ _ _
2 thorough(thorough) thorough ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
3 assessment(assessment) assessment NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
4 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
5 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
6 impact(impact) impact NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
7 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
8 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
9 Iraq(Iraq) Iraq PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
10 war(war) war NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
11 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
12 its(its) its PRON PRP$ Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
13 aftermath(aftermath) aftermath NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
14 on(on) on ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
15 Israel(Israel) Israel PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
16 's('s) 's PART POS _ 0 _ _ _
17 security(security) security NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
18 environment(environment) environment NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
19 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ SpaceAfter=No
20 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
21 therefore(therefore) therefore ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
22 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
23 closely(closely) closely ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
24 examine(examine) examine VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
25 its(its) its PRON PRP$ Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
26 likely(likely) likely ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
27 effect(effect) effect NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
28 on(on) on ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
29 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
30 conduct(conduct) conduct NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
31 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
32 asymmetrical(asymmetrical) asymmetrical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
33 warfare(warfare) warfare NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
34 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 Posada(Posada) Posada PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
2 's('s) 's PART POS _ 0 _ _ _
3 crimes(crimes) crime NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
4 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
5 on(on) on ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
6 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
7 other(other) other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
8 hand(hand) hand NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
9 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
10 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
11 seem(seem) seem VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
12 like(like) like ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
13 ancient(ancient) ancient ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
14 history(history) history NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
15 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
16 especially(especially) especially ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
17 to(to) to ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
18 a(a) a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
19 people(people) people NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
20 who(who) who PRON WP PronType=Rel 0 _ _ _
21 do(do) do AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
22 n't(n't) not PART RB _ 0 _ _ _
23 know(know) know VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
24 their(their) they PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
25 history(history) history NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
26 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 &(&) & CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
2 here(here) here ADV RB PronType=Dem 0 _ _ _
3 I(I) I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
4 am(am) be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
5 thinking(thinking) think VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 _ _ _
6 that(that) that SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
7 I(I) I PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
8 really(really) really ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
9 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 6 comp:obj _ _
10 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
11 getting(getting) get VERB VBG Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part 0 _ _ _
12 old(old) old ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
13 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 The(The) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
2 '(') ' PUNCT `` _ 0 _ _ _
3 high(high) high ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
4 weirdness(weirdness) weirdness NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
5 '(') ' PUNCT '' _ 0 _ _ _
6 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
7 more(more) more ADV RBR _ 0 _ _ _
8 hardcore(hardcore) hardcore ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
9 political(political) political ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
10 '(') ' PUNCT `` _ 0 _ _ _
11 factions(factions) faction NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
12 '(') ' PUNCT '' _ 0 _ _ _
13 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
14 perhaps(perhaps) perhaps ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
15 integrate(integrate) integrate VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
16 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
17 arrive(arrive) arrive VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
18 at(at) at ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
19 a(a) a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
20 synthesis(synthesis) synthesis NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
21 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 You(You) you PRON PRP Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
2 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
3 go(go) go VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
4 after(after) after ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
5 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
6 head(head) head NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
7 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
8 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
9 "(") " PUNCT `` _ 0 _ _ _
10 Family(Family) family NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
11 "(") " PUNCT '' _ 0 _ _ _
12 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 It(It) it PRON PRP Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
2 is(is) be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
3 often(often) often ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
4 said(said) say VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
5 that(that) that SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
6 politicians(politicians) politician NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
7 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
8 diplomats(diplomats) diplomat NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
9 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
10 perhaps(perhaps) perhaps ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
11 also(also) also ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
12 lawyers(lawyers) lawyer NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
13 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
14 business(business) business NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
15 people(people) people NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
16 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 5 comp:obj _ _
17 sometimes(sometimes) sometimes ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
18 lie(lie) lie VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
19 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
20 as(as) as ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
21 part(part) part NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
22 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
23 their(their) they PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
24 professional(professional) professional ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
25 life(life) life NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
26 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 Other(Other) other ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
2 aspects(aspects) aspect NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
3 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
4 a(a) a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
5 civilized(civilized) civilized ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
6 society(society) society NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
7 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
8 also(also) also ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
9 have(have) have VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
10 limitations(limitations) limitation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
11 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 The(The) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
2 inner(inner) inner ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
3 circles(circles) circle NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
4 can(can) can AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
5 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
6 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 4 comp:aux _ _
7 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
8 destroyed(destroyed) destroy VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
9 by(by) by ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
10 force(force) force NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
11 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 Princeton(Princeton) Princeton PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
2 islamist(islamist) islamist NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
3 scholar(scholar) scholar NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
4 Bernard(Bernard) Bernard PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
5 Lewis(Lewis) Lewis PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
6 has(has) have AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
7 explained(explained) explain VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 _ _ _
8 that(that) that SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
9 while(while) while SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
10 islamists(islamists) islamist NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
11 may(may) may AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
12 disagree(disagree) disagree VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
13 about(about) about SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
14 whether(whether) whether SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
15 killing(killing) kill VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 _ _ _
16 innocents(innocents) innocent NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
17 is(is) be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
18 sanctioned(sanctioned) sanction VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
19 by(by) by ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
20 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
21 laws(laws) law NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
22 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
23 jihad(jihad) jihad NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
24 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
25 extremists(extremists) extremist NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
26 like(like) like ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
27 Zawahiri(Zawahiri) Zawahiri PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
28 agree(agree) agree VERB VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
29 that(that) that SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
30 notice(notice) notice NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
31 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 29 comp:obj _ _
32 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
33 given(given) give VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
34 before(before) before SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
35 biochemical(biochemical) biochemical ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
36 weapons(weapons) weapon NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
37 are(are) be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
38 used(used) use VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
39 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 ((() ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 0 _ _ _
2 Spores(Spores) spore NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
3 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
4 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
5 no(no) no ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
6 bigger(bigger) bigger ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 0 _ _ _
7 than(than) than ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
8 5(5) 5 NUM CD NumType=Card 0 _ _ _
9 microns(microns) micron NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
10 to(to) to PART TO _ 0 _ _ _
11 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
12 inhalable(inhalable) inhalable ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
13 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
14 )()) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 0 _ _ _
1 If(If) if SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
2 you(you) you PRON PRP Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
3 are(are) be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
4 not(not) not PART RB _ 0 _ _ _
5 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
6 intended(intended) intend VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 _ _ _
7 recipient(recipient) recipient NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
8 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
9 you(you) you PRON PRP Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
10 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
11 not(not) not PART RB _ 0 _ _ _
12 read(read) read VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
13 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
14 use(use) use VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
15 or(or) or CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
16 disseminate(disseminate) disseminate VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
17 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
18 information(information) information NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
19 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 ***Must(Must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
2 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
3 nice(nice) nice ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
4 having(having) have VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 _ _ _
5 money(money) money NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
6 !!(!!) !! PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 While(While) while SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
2 we(we) we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
3 should(should) should AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
4 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
5 proud(proud) proud ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
6 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
7 our(our) we PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
8 accomplishment(accomplishment) accomplishment NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
9 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
10 we(we) we PRON PRP Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
11 now(now) now ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
12 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
13 turn(turn) turn VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
14 to(to) to ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
15 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
16 task(task) task NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
17 of(of) of SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
18 getting(getting) get VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 _ _ _
19 our(our) we PRON PRP$ Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
20 testimony(testimony) testimony NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
21 ready(ready) ready ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
22 by(by) by ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
23 May(May) May PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
24 5(5) 5 NUM CD NumType=Card 0 _ _ _
25 deadline(deadline) deadline NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
26 .?(.?) .? PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 an(an) a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
2 outline(outline) outline NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
3 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
4 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
5 internal(internal) internal ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
6 balance(balance) balance NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
7 sheet(sheet) sheet NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
8 review(review) review NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
9 process(process) process NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
10 described(described) describe VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 _ _ _
11 in(in) in ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
12 my(my) my PRON PRP$ Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
13 earlier(earlier) earlier ADJ JJR Degree=Cmp 0 _ _ _
14 note(note) note NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
15 which(which) which PRON WDT PronType=Rel 0 _ _ _
16 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 9 mod@relcl _ _
17 now(now) now ADV RB _ 0 _ _ _
18 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
19 reprioritised(reprioritised) reprioritise VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
20 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
21 rescoped(rescoped) rescop VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part 0 _ _ _
22 ((() ( PUNCT -LRB- _ 0 _ _ _
23 see(see) see VERB VB Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
24 MO(MO) mo NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
25 work(work) work NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
26 )()) ) PUNCT -RRB- _ 0 _ _ _
1 detailed(detailed) detailed ADJ JJ Degree=Pos 0 _ _ _
2 position(position) position NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
3 analysis(analysis) analysis NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
4 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
5 all(all) all DET DT _ 0 _ _ _
6 OBSF(OBSF) obsf NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
7 contracts(contracts) contract NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
8 that(that) that PRON WDT PronType=Rel 0 _ _ _
9 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 7 mod@relcl _ _
10 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
11 reconciled(reconciled) reconcile VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
12 to(to) to ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
13 Barclays(Barclays) Barclays PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
14 documentation(documentation) documentation NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
1 To(To) to PART TO _ 0 _ _ _
2 reserve(reserve) reserve VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
3 one(one) one NUM CD NumType=Card 0 _ _ _
4 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
5 these(these) these DET DT Number=Plur|PronType=Dem 0 _ _ _
6 rooms(rooms) room NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
7 ,(,) , PUNCT , _ 0 _ _ _
8 you(you) you PRON PRP Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
9 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
10 inform(inform) inform VERB VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
11 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
12 Wyndham(Wyndham) Wyndham PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
13 staff(staff) staff NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
14 that(that) that SCONJ IN _ 0 _ _ _
15 you(you) you PRON PRP Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs 0 _ _ _
16 are(are) be AUX VBP Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0 _ _ _
17 part(part) part NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
18 of(of) of ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
19 the(the) the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 0 _ _ _
20 CAEM(CAEM) CAEM PROPN NNP Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
21 group(group) group NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
22 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _
1 All(All) all DET DT _ 0 _ _ _
2 Evaluations(Evaluations) evaluation NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
3 for(for) for ADP IN _ 0 _ _ _
4 Associates(Associates) associate NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
5 and(and) and CCONJ CC _ 0 _ _ _
6 Analysts(Analysts) analyst NOUN NNS Number=Plur 0 _ _ _
7 ***must(must)*** must AUX MD VerbForm=Fin 0 root _ _
8 be(be) be AUX VB VerbForm=Inf 0 _ _ _
9 completed(completed) complete VERB VBN Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass 0 _ _ _
10 using(using) use VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 0 _ _ _
11 this(this) this DET DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 0 _ _ _
12 form(form) form NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 _ _ _
13 .(.) . PUNCT . _ 0 _ _ _