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  • Examples of the root word 5 (5) also marked by ***, hover on that word to see more grammar properties.

    1	November(November)	November	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    2	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	1	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    3	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    4	1999(1999)	1999	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    1	I(I)	I	PRON	PRP	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    2	concur(concur)	concur	VERB	VBP	Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    3	that(that)	that	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    4	Ba'athists(Ba'athists)	Ba'athists	PROPN	NNPS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    5	and(and)	and	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    6	former(former)	former	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    7	security(security)	security	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    8	forces(forces)	force	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    9	are(are)	be	AUX	VBP	Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    10	capable(capable)	capable	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    11	of(of)	of	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    12	immediately(immediately)	immediately	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    13	controlling(controlling)	control	VERB	VBG	VerbForm=Ger	0	_	_	_
    14	at(at)	at	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    15	least(least)	least	ADV	RBS	Degree=Sup	0	_	_	_
    16	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	13	comp:obj	_	_
    17	out(out)	out	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    18	of(of)	of	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    19	18(18)	18	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    20	governorates(governorates)	governorate	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    21	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    22	along(along)	along	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    23	with(with)	with	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    24	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    25	capital(capital)	capital	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    26	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    27	if(if)	if	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    28	Americans(Americans)	Americans	PROPN	NNPS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    29	are(are)	be	VERB	VBP	Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    30	to(to)	to	PART	TO	_	0	_	_	_
    31	be(be)	be	AUX	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    32	removed(removed)	remove	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    33	from(from)	from	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    34	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    35	picture(picture)	picture	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    36	entirely(entirely)	entirely	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    37	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	2	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    2	kg(kg)	kg	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    3	per(per)	per	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    4	gun(gun)	gun	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    6	200,000(200,000)	200,000	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    7	guns(guns)	gun	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    8	means(means)	mean	VERB	VBZ	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    9	1000(1000)	1000	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    10	tonnes(tonnes)	tonne	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    11	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    12	impossible(impossible)	impossible	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    13	for(for)	for	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    14	4(4)	4	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    15	containers(containers)	container	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    16	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	What(What)	what	PRON	WP	PronType=Int	0	_	_	_
    2	your(your)	you	PRON	PRP$	Person=2|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    3	morning(morning)	morning	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    4	paper(paper)	paper	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	did(did)	do	AUX	VBD	Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    6	not(not)	not	PART	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    7	tell(tell)	tell	VERB	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    8	you(you)	you	PRON	PRP	Case=Acc|Person=2|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    9	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    10	however(however)	however	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    11	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    12	was(was)	be	VERB	VBD	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    13	that(that)	that	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    14	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    15	CIA(CIA)	CIA	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    16	seized(seized)	seize	VERB	VBD	Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    17	a(a)	a	DET	DT	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    18	similar(similar)	similar	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    19	disc(disc)	disc	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    20	from(from)	from	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    21	Ayman(Ayman)	Ayman	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    22	Zawahiri(Zawahiri)	Zawahiri	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    23	's('s)	's	PART	POS	_	0	_	_	_
    24	right(right)	right	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    25	-(-)	-	PUNCT	HYPH	_	0	_	_	_
    26	hand(hand)	hand	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    27	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    28	Ahmed(Ahmed)	Ahmed	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    29	Salama(Salama)	Salama	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    30	Mabruk(Mabruk)	Mabruk	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    31	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    32	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	33	mod	_	_
    33	years(years)	year	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    34	earlier(earlier)	earlier	ADV	RBR	Degree=Cmp	0	_	_	_
    35	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    2	Spores(Spores)	spore	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    3	must(must)	must	AUX	MD	VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    4	be(be)	be	AUX	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    5	no(no)	no	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    6	bigger(bigger)	bigger	ADJ	JJR	Degree=Cmp	0	_	_	_
    7	than(than)	than	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    8	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	9	mod	_	_
    9	microns(microns)	micron	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    10	to(to)	to	PART	TO	_	0	_	_	_
    11	be(be)	be	AUX	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    12	inhalable(inhalable)	inhalable	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    13	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    14	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    1	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    2	There(There)	there	PRON	EX	_	0	_	_	_
    3	initially(initially)	initially	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    4	was(was)	be	VERB	VBD	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    5	an(an)	a	DET	DT	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    6	outstanding(outstanding)	outstanding	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    7	$($)	$	SYM	$	_	0	_	_	_
    8	2(2)	2	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    9	million(million)	million	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    10	reward(reward)	reward	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	--(--)	--	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    12	under(under)	under	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    13	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    14	rewards(rewards)	reward	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    15	for(for)	for	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    16	justice(justice)	justice	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    17	program(program)	program	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    18	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    19	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    20	reward(reward)	reward	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    21	now(now)	now	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    22	is(is)	be	AUX	VBZ	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    23	up(up)	up	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    24	to(to)	to	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    25	$($)	$	SYM	$	_	0	_	_	_
    26	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	25	compound	_	_
    27	million(million)	million	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    28	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    29	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    30	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Transmission(Transmission)	transmission	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    2	Expansion(Expansion)	expansion	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    3	and(and)	and	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    4	Systems(Systems)	Systems	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	in(in)	in	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    6	Transition(Transition)	Transition	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    7	Conference(Conference)	Conference	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    8	Feb.(Feb.)	Feb.	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    9	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	8	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    10	-(-)	-	SYM	SYM	_	0	_	_	_
    11	8(8)	8	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    12	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    13	2002(2002)	2002	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    14	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    15	Miami(Miami)	Miami	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    16	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    17	Florida(Florida)	Florida	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    1	WHEN(WHEN)	when	ADV	WRB	PronType=Int	0	_	_	_
    2	:(:)	:	PUNCT	:	_	0	_	_	_
    3	Today(Today)	today	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    4	at(at)	at	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    5	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	6	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    6	pm(pm)	pm	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    1	If(If)	if	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    2	possible(possible)	possible	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    3	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    4	can(can)	can	AUX	MD	VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    5	you(you)	you	PRON	PRP	Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    6	also(also)	also	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    7	give(give)	give	VERB	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    8	an(an)	a	DET	DT	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    9	indication(indication)	indication	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    10	of(of)	of	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    11	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    12	rank(rank)	rank	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    13	-(-)	-	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    14	1(1)	1	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    15	through(through)	through	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    16	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	15	comp:obj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    17	?(?)	?	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	The(The)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    2	next(next)	next	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    3	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	4	mod	_	_
    4	companies(companies)	company	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    5	were(were)	be	AUX	VBD	Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    6	my(my)	my	PRON	PRP$	Number=Sing|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    7	responsibility(responsibility)	responsibility	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    8	while(while)	while	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    9	in(in)	in	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    10	EBS(EBS)	EBS	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    12	and(and)	and	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    13	did(did)	do	AUX	VBD	Mood=Ind|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    14	not(not)	not	PART	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    15	get(get)	get	AUX	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    16	assigned(assigned)	assign	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    17	during(during)	during	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    18	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    19	reorg(reorg)	reorg	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    20	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	If(If)	if	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    2	possible(possible)	possible	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    3	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    4	can(can)	can	AUX	MD	VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    5	you(you)	you	PRON	PRP	Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    6	also(also)	also	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    7	give(give)	give	VERB	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    8	an(an)	a	DET	DT	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    9	indication(indication)	indication	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    10	of(of)	of	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    11	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    12	rank(rank)	rank	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    13	-(-)	-	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    14	1(1)	1	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    15	through(through)	through	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    16	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	15	comp:obj	_	SpaceAfter=No
    17	?(?)	?	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	***5(5)***	5	X	LS	_	2	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    2	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    3	General(General)	General	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    4	Colin(Colin)	Colin	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	Powell(Powell)	Powell	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    6	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    7	former(former)	former	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    8	Chairman(Chairman)	Chairman	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    9	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    10	Joint(Joint)	Joint	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	Chiefs(Chiefs)	Chiefs	PROPN	NNPS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    12	of(of)	of	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    13	Staff(Staff)	Staff	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    14	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    15	U.S.A(U.S.A)	U.S.A	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    16	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	These(These)	these	PRON	DT	Number=Plur|PronType=Dem	0	_	_	_
    2	have(have)	have	AUX	VBP	Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    3	been(been)	be	AUX	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    4	compared(compared)	compare	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass	0	_	_	_
    5	against(against)	against	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    6	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    7	draft(draft)	draft	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    8	dated(dated)	date	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    9	11/8/2000(11/8/2000)	11/8/2000	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    10	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    11	and(and)	and	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    12	include(include)	include	VERB	VBP	Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    13	ENA(ENA)	ENA	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    14	's('s)	's	PART	POS	_	0	_	_	_
    15	accepted(accepted)	accept	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    16	changes(changes)	change	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    17	per(per)	per	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    18	your(your)	you	PRON	PRP$	Person=2|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    19	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    20	a(a)	a	X	LS	_	0	_	_	_
    21	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    22	faxed(faxed)	fax	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    23	comments(comments)	comment	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    24	transmitted(transmitted)	transmit	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    25	to(to)	to	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    26	ENA(ENA)	ENA	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    27	on(on)	on	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    28	January(January)	January	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    29	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	28	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    30	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    31	2001(2001)	2001	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    32	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    33	and(and)	and	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    34	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    35	b(b)	b	X	LS	_	0	_	_	_
    36	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    37	e-mail(e-mail)	e-mail	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    38	comments(comments)	comment	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    39	transmitted(transmitted)	transmit	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    40	to(to)	to	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    41	ENA(ENA)	ENA	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    42	on(on)	on	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    43	January(January)	January	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    44	19th(19th)	19th	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    45	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    46	2001(2001)	2001	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    47	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	-(-)	-	SYM	SYM	_	0	_	_	_
    2	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	root	_	_
    3	for(for)	for	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    4	spelling(spelling)	spelling	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Infinity(Infinity)	infinity	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    2	stereo(stereo)	stereo	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    3	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    4	bucket(bucket)	bucket	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	seats(seats)	seat	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    6	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    7	nerf(nerf)	nerf	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    8	bars(bars)	bar	NOUN	NNS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    9	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    10	tool(tool)	tool	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	box(box)	box	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    12	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    13	bed(bed)	bed	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    14	liner(liner)	liner	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    15	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    16	camper(camper)	camper	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    17	tow(tow)	tow	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    18	package(package)	package	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    19	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    20	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	22	compound	_	_
    21	speed(speed)	speed	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    22	manual(manual)	manual	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    23	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	With(With)	with	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    2	reference(reference)	reference	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    3	to(to)	to	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    4	Article(Article)	article	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	4	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    6	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    7	section(section)	section	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    8	5.1(5.1)	5.1	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    9	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    10	b(b)	b	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    12	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    13	are(are)	be	AUX	VBP	Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    14	we(we)	we	PRON	PRP	Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    15	going(going)	go	VERB	VBG	Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    16	to(to)	to	PART	TO	_	0	_	_	_
    17	propose(propose)	propose	VERB	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    18	an(an)	a	DET	DT	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    19	alternative(alternative)	alternative	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    20	planned(planned)	plan	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    21	outage(outage)	outage	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    22	to(to)	to	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    23	TAU(TAU)	tau	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    24	for(for)	for	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    25	next(next)	next	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    26	year(year)	year	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    27	?(?)	?	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	While(While)	while	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    2	we(we)	we	PRON	PRP	Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    3	should(should)	should	AUX	MD	VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    4	be(be)	be	AUX	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    5	proud(proud)	proud	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    6	of(of)	of	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    7	our(our)	we	PRON	PRP$	Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    8	accomplishment(accomplishment)	accomplishment	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    9	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    10	we(we)	we	PRON	PRP	Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    11	now(now)	now	ADV	RB	_	0	_	_	_
    12	must(must)	must	AUX	MD	VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    13	turn(turn)	turn	VERB	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    14	to(to)	to	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    15	the(the)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    16	task(task)	task	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    17	of(of)	of	SCONJ	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    18	getting(getting)	get	VERB	VBG	VerbForm=Ger	0	_	_	_
    19	our(our)	we	PRON	PRP$	Number=Plur|Person=1|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs	0	_	_	_
    20	testimony(testimony)	testimony	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    21	ready(ready)	ready	ADJ	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    22	by(by)	by	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    23	May(May)	May	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    24	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	23	mod	_	_
    25	deadline(deadline)	deadline	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    26	.?(.?)	.?	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Game(Game)	game	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    2	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	1	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    3	:(:)	:	PUNCT	:	_	0	_	_	_
    4	Sunday(Sunday)	Sunday	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    5	,(,)	,	PUNCT	,	_	0	_	_	_
    6	June(June)	June	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    7	17(17)	17	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    8	@(@)	@	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    9	1:00(1:00)	1:00	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	0	_	_	_
    10	PM(PM)	pm	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	vs.(vs.)	vs.	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    12	Utah(Utah)	Utah	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    13	STARZZ(STARZZ)	STARZZ	PROPN	NNPS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    1	The(The)	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    2	Contract(Contract)	contract	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    3	Quantity(Quantity)	quantity	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    4	shall(shall)	shall	AUX	MD	VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    5	be(be)	be	AUX	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    6	quantity(quantity)	quantity	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    7	submitted(submitted)	submit	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    8	by(by)	by	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    9	Counterparty(Counterparty)	counterparty	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    10	via(via)	via	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    11	EnronOnline(EnronOnline)	EnronOnline	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    12	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    13	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	14	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    14	%(%)	%	SYM	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    15	greater(greater)	greater	ADJ	JJR	Degree=Cmp	0	_	_	_
    16	or(or)	or	CCONJ	CC	_	0	_	_	_
    17	lesser(lesser)	lesser	ADJ	JJR	Degree=Cmp	0	_	_	_
    18	allowance(allowance)	allowance	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    19	at(at)	at	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    20	Seller(Seller)	seller	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    21	's('s)	's	PART	POS	_	0	_	_	_
    22	option(option)	option	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    23	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    24	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_
    1	Jeff(Jeff)	Jeff	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    2	Skilling(Skilling)	Skilling	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    3	has(has)	have	AUX	VBZ	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	_	_	_
    4	agreed(agreed)	agree	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    5	to(to)	to	PART	TO	_	0	_	_	_
    6	work(work)	work	VERB	VB	VerbForm=Inf	0	_	_	_
    7	with(with)	with	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    8	Harvard(Harvard)	Harvard	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    9	Business(Business)	Business	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    10	School(School)	School	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    11	((()	(	PUNCT	-LRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    12	HBS(HBS)	HBS	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    13	)())	)	PUNCT	-RRB-	_	0	_	_	_
    14	on(on)	on	ADP	IN	_	0	_	_	_
    15	a(a)	a	DET	DT	Definite=Ind|PronType=Art	0	_	_	_
    16	***5(5)***	5	NUM	CD	NumType=Card	18	mod	_	SpaceAfter=No
    17	-(-)	-	PUNCT	HYPH	_	0	_	_	_
    18	year(year)	year	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    19	case(case)	case	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    20	study(study)	study	NOUN	NN	Number=Sing	0	_	_	_
    21	called(called)	call	VERB	VBN	Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part	0	_	_	_
    22	'(')	'	PUNCT	``	_	0	_	_	_
    23	Modern(Modern)	modern	PROPN	JJ	Degree=Pos	0	_	_	_
    24	Giants(Giants)	Giants	PROPN	NNPS	Number=Plur	0	_	_	_
    25	'(')	'	PUNCT	''	_	0	_	_	_
    26	.(.)	.	PUNCT	.	_	0	_	_	_