There is NO required-agreement between the head and its PRON for Gender
Features that make up this rule | Active Features | Inactive Features |
PRON is nearby= punctuation the head agrees with its head on= Gender-PRON PRON is nearby= jenž | PRON has lemma= on |
Examples that agree: The words of interest are denoted by ***
1 Jízdu _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
2 se _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
3 mu _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
4 nakonec _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
5 podařilo _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
6 zarazit _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
7 až _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
8 nohou _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
9 vystrčenou _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
10 do _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
11 výtahové _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
12 šachty _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
13 , _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
14 čímž _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
15 o _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
16 ni _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
17 málem _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
18 přišel _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
19 , _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
20 ne _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
21 však _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
22 o _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
23 nervový _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
24 šok šok NOUN NNIS4-----A---- Animacy=Inan|Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Polarity=Pos 0 _ _ _
25 , , PUNCT Z:------------- _ 27 punct _ _
26 ***jenž*** jenž PRON PJYS1---------- Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PrepCase=Npr|PronType=Rel 27 subj _ LGloss=(který_[ve_vedl.větě])
27 ***neminul*** minout VERB VpYS---XR-NA--- Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Polarity=Neg|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Act 24 mod _ _
28 oba oba NUM ClYP4---------- Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Plur|NumForm=Word|NumType=Card|NumValue=1,2,3 27 comp:obj _ LNumValue=2|SpaceAfter=No
29 . _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _